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Far Cry

I only have 2 complaints with that game,can you fix them ?


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Hi,so I got Far Cry 3 and started playing it yesterday and I'm quite early in the game yet.

It seems very well worked and I enjoy it,but there are two things though that troubled me and made me wonder as I couldn't explain why they did it like this.


1) One of those things is the fact that you can't change between your weapons by using the mouse wheel. In every FPS game I've ever played on PC,from Wolfenstein 3D to Crysis 3,you roll through your weapons by moving the mouse wheel, even in games that only let you carry 2 weapons. Why the f**k doesn't this game work like that ? It's so awkward having to hold down 1 to get in to a menu and then move the whole mouse to a direction just to change my weapon. Can this even be fixed ???


2) The second thing that annoys me is that the game doesn't let me to save anywhere. There is a 'save' option in the pause menu,but whenever I tried to save manually,I got the message that I cannot do that,and that the game saves my progress automatically. So I took a mission and then started moving to that general direction far away on the map,and while going there I was distracted by loot,animals,and stuff and I had firefights,and spent so much time doing all the other kinds of stuff around,and eventually I got killed without getting to the place I had to go for my objective,and then I had to start all over again from the Village,with so much time wasted,all loot gone etc. It's such a WRONG idea for a game that features a world open for free roaming to not allow you to save anytime... Can this be fixed ?


Edited by Alithinos
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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Under game options you can change the keys for next weapon and previous weapon to mouse scroll wheel up and mouse scroll wheel down. You can do this in game. No mod needed.


2) You can't quick save while during certain main missions (annoyingly many of them actually). You'll need to complete whatever main mission you are on (rescue so-and-so, retrieve this certain bauble, etc) Once you complete the current mission DON'T rush to meet up with whoever will give you the next quest. Then you will be able to quick save in the open world. HOWEVER quick save doesn't save your exact location so on death you'll respawn at the closest point of interest which is not always very desirable. Also the game frequently "autosaves" whenever you buy/sell/craft something and so forth.


Can it be fixed? Maybe, but kind of unlikely. It would require playing around in lots of lua files and trying to circumvent the core system as written. At best it would be a jury rigged version of the current system. I don't think we'll ever have the kind of quick save that you find in most other AAA titles (i.e. snapshot of your exact spot, health, possesions, etc.). Which is kind of sad... and frustrating.

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