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Mannequin Clipping Issue?


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I'm running into an issue where in-game I can walk through mannequins I've placed in a cell. The mannequins function properly otherwise, it just seems to be a weird clipping issue.


What I did: I created a functioning mannequin which worked normally in-game. I then duplicated it, and placed the duplicate. I then made a copy of the duplicate. The two new ones had the clipping problem. I then deleted one of the new ones and recreated it from scratch. It functioned normally in game, but then the first one I placed had the clipping issue.


It seems arbitrary. In other cells, I've used the same process (creating a mannequin and then duplicating it) and sometimes I have the issue and sometimes I don't.


Does anyone know what might be causing this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey dougal, I've got the same problem. What we are seeing is this: the collision box of the mannequin is moving around on its own. What you'll notice when you can clip through them is an invisible collision object not too far away which is actually the mannequin's collision box. This usually happens (to me at least) after using the "wait" or "sleep" function in game for periods of longer than 1 hour. This is of course related to the plethora of problems related to the mannequins in the game, most of which have to do with them wandering around, posing themselves or tracking your character with their creepy, creepy soulless faces.



This guy James Smart has written about why this happens on this forum:





James Smart

» Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:22 pm

I'm still working on a work-around for the strange predilections of Skyrim's mannequins. There are a couple of facts to remember.
  • Mannequins are almost never spawned in place. Where the game chooses to spawn a mannequin (or any other actor) is not documented - but it is not at the attached XMarkerHeading. Instead, the mannequin is spawned elsewhere and, only then, is moved to either the location where it is placed by the plug-in or the location of the attached XMarkerHeading if dictated by the script.
  • Mannequins are set to Ghost to prevent them from disrupting moveable statics and items that they will pass through during their migration to their starting places. This does not work because the Ghost setting is often not recognized by the game until after the mannequins have arrived at their location. You can verify this for yourself by trying to walk through a mannequin immediately after the cell is loaded. You will find that there is a collision surface associated with the mannequin that should not be there unless it belongs to the trigger box. However, you can walk through a trigger box set up for player activation - so that's not it either. Moreover, if you leave your avatar's collision surface in contact with the mystery collision surface associated with the mannequin - your avatar gets pushed back as the mystery collision surface moves out and away from the mannequin. It is worth noting that the activation zone does not move. In any event, this mystery collision surface comes to rest about a game-yard from the mannequin and, if you wait or sleep, you may find that the texture of the mannequin migrates out to rejoin the collision surface - hence the "movement". [this does not happen every time - but often enough to be noticed]......

You can try to use some of these methods to fix this issue:




For me, it still didn't help. I haven't been able to find a clear answer to keep these damn mannequins from shifting their collision box. From what I gathered at that first forum link I posted up there, most people have downloaded mannequin AI fix mods, or made their own scripts to get past this issue. I have no idea how to script, let alone FIX a buggy one, and I'm not satisfied with modding this issue away personally, but maybe you would be interested in looking into the variety of Mannequin mods on the Nexus here.


*Temporary fix* - I've noticed that leaving the cell and returning can sometimes re-set the mannequin's position. Also, dressing them up and stripping them down again (and maybe even dressing them again) can sometimes reset them, too.


Good luck, Dougal! Lets hope someone out there knows more than I do and can help fix this problem.

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