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Starting a fresh install ...what mods should I install?


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Hi everyone,


What I'm doing is setting up a fresh install on my new system. Haven't played Skyrim in a while and feel like pimping it up with beautiful landscape textures and new character animations, skins, armours (including npc's) and also some lighting effects.


I don't have a high end PC, but it's about mid-range. So if you can give me any recommendations for a collection or pack for a general facelift of vanilla, that would be great.


I think I should tell you guys that when it comes to installing them, could you give me a rough idea about which order to install them in? I've had trouble in the past trying to install several mods at once.

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Hi, I expected quite a few of these 'What Mods' questions so I saved this answer so that I can answer consistently each time without leaving any out:


I play with a lot of Mods and I've tried and rejected many others. I use all of these (among others) and I'm sure they’re all Must Have/Worth Having.


Weapons and Armors

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

Ghosu - Weapon Pack

JaySuS Swords

Crimson Dragon Armor

Open Face Helmets Replacer - Steam only


Apocalypse Spells

Weapon Enchantment Upgrade

Burn Freeze Shock Effects

Graphics Overhauls

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

aMidianBorn Book of Silence

Elaborate Textiles

Other Must Haves

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

The Dance of Death

Crimson Tide - Blood

Optimizer Textures (use it on graphic intensive Mods to reduce your system load)

Other Worth Having

Dragon Knowledge Spell

Dragon Lair Map Markers


Mine Map Markers

Crimson Quest Markers

Dungeon Quest Awareness

Auto Unequip Ammo

Tribunal Robes – If you play a Mage

Horns are Forever - If you play Argonians

Better Vampires – If you play a Vampire


Eck. :D

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I second Skyrim Redone and Apocalypse spells, seriously after having used those two I can say both are works of art.




Weapons and armor fixes.


Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons & Armor.


Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection.


Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul.


Run For Your Lives. No more pesky hero's towns men feeding dragons.


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.


But really if you get even one of these Skyrim redone. Btw to my knowledge none of these are to much more intensive than vanilla.

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