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Skyrim goes "low FPS" after playing for some time


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So I was just playing Skyrim for about 30 minutes or more, and strangely, the game goes slow for no reason. I had a stable 60 fps on all locations, except the outsides that have a lot of vegetation (My fault for using that mod anyway) but that is not it. It is just that suddenly, when I enter an indoor area (Like the inns at Windhelm) and get out of it, the outside starts to be a lot slower than usual, 25 FPS instead of the stable 60 FPS, but as far as I can tell, there is actually no reason for it to act like it.


I think this purely happens after getting indoors, but I'm not too sure. I am very sure that this is not caused by a mod, though I don't really do "clean saves" as they call it. Anti-Aliasing is set on menu by 2, yet I use an injector SMAA. Whole graphics are at Ultra, using some tweaks but they only reduce mouse lag.


Is there a fix for this?

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