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Re-texture for standard Sunglasses?


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Greetings, I'm trying to make the Sunglasses golden (either the lens or the entire thing really at this point) but no matter what I do, they always stay black. I've tried recoloring the entire texture (glassestortoiseshell.dds), just the lens part and recoloring the EM dds file. I've also tried editing the model to use white emissive or spectacular lighting, but neither of those worked. Any other things I can try to change the color of the sunglasses?
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Crystalking52 - Hello!


I just threw together a quick gold retexture of those glasses to check & it all worked perfectly.


Can you see your new texture showing up in Nifskope?


Or is it just in game that it does not show up?


Have you remembered to change the Texture path in your version of the model so that it points to your new gold texture?


All I did was modify the vanilla texture:




...with a quick gold overlay, making sure that the lens part had transparency.


Save your new gold texture as a DXT5 so as to preserve the transparent lenses.


No need to mess with the .em or the normal map, unless you're making a really textured frame or scratched lenses.




Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Greetings miss prensa! The texture doesn't show up by default in nifskope unless I fiddle with the speculative or emissive settings and even then only the rims and not the lens. The texture doesn't show up at all in the GECK or game.


This only applies with the Sunglasses, the Tortoise shell glasses (rim and lens) take skin changes just fine.


EDIT: http://oi45.tinypic.com/5wmumw.jpg

They're both applying the custom texture, but only the Tortoise shell glasses is using it correctly.

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Crystalking52 - Hello!


Oh sorry! I misunderstood & thought you meant the tinted tortoise shell glasses. :)


You mean the Shades.nif, that model is using Vertex Colors which override colors in the diffuse texture.


If you go to the model's NiTriStripsData & left click on it so the details are displayed at the bottom in Block Details.


In there find "Vertex Colors", expanding that & you'll see a list of dial settings (like the ones used to set Emissive & Specular).


If you click on one of those you can change the dial to whatever color you want, when done you will see the corresponding section of the glasses change.


Each section has to be changed (rather tedious :) ).


Alternatively, you could do away with Vertex Colors completely & use the colors in your new Gold texture.


To do that set the texture path to your new one as normal & go to NiTriStripsData as before. This time find "Has Vertex Colors" & click on the yes so that it changes to no, remember to save the changes.


You'll note that, with Has Vertex Colors set to no, your new texture is showing up properly now.


Hope this helps!



Example is using a gold texture with no Vertex Colors.



Edited by prensa
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Crystalking52 - Hello!


"That did the trick, my sunglasses now properly use the textures."


Great! :)


"Not quite sure what happened with the corners"


Ah, I take it you made them new items & not a replacer?


When you do that with hats or glasses you have to do a few special things as those items need to change shape to match different characters sized/shaped heads.


Unpack the matching .egm for the model you used (If it was shades.nif then it's shades.egm) from Fallout 3 - meshes.bsa.


Rename the .egm to whatever your new model is called, example:




Then the .egm should be:




& place the .egm in the same folder with your model.


Now in GECK go to the top & in Character select "Update Facegen Model Availability".


Then save you mod.


Your new gold glasses will fit properly now.


In the second quick example pic I posted above I used the tortoiseshell glasses .egm for speed & if you look closely the shape is a little off, here's the glasses after using the correct & renamed .egm looking as they should:




Just to show the difference it makes.


I gave them a slightly pitted look as if they've been in a few sandstorms during their post apocalypse lifetime. :)



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Greetings miss prensa! Unfortunately, using Update Facegen Model Availability caused my golden sunglasses to not be worn properly by the character (they floated sideways off of his head). I noticed in the Fallout edit file (FO3edit.exe) that all hats and eyeglasses had been added to my mod with slight changes and when I attempted to remove them, it corrupted my entire ESP file. Praise be to the Lord though since I had a backup. I probably screwed something up but now I am very afraid to try that again and will just live with the weirdly stylish glasses. Thanks again for all of your help though!
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Crystalking52 - Hello!


"using Update Facegen Model Availability caused my golden sunglasses to not be worn properly by the character (they floated sideways off of his head)."


That happens if you do the Update Facegen Model Availability without the .egm in place or incorrectly named.


Update Facegen Model Availability must be done AFTER the .egm is placed.


The .egm must have the exact name of the .nif model it is for.


The .egm you use must be from the same model you used as a base.


Your model must have no mesh changes to the original (new textures are fine).


"I noticed in the Fallout edit file (FO3edit.exe) that all hats and eyeglasses had been added to my mod with slight changes and when I attempted to remove them, it corrupted my entire ESP file. "


That's normal, you generally remove all headgear that gets added that is not part of your mod as part of the normal "cleaning" of your mod.


I don't know why it would be corrupted removing it though.


"Praise be to the Lord though since I had a backup."


Aleays make a backup before editing in FO3Edit. :)


Worth noting that GECK also makes backup copies of your .esp in:


Fallout 3\Data\Backup


" Thanks again for all of your help though! "


Happy to have helped! :)



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Greetings miss prensa! I did have the egm in place and so named before I did the update, when it didn't work I tried editing the inner meshes names from "shades" to the new name I had (shadeslucky since I'm trying to give the Lucky Shades item a unique texture). That didn't work either, so I opened up the editor and then noticed all the slightly edited hats/glasses and what not... and that led to the corrupted esp oddly enough.


Maybe I didn't have the egm named properly (forgot the s or omitted the l or something) but whenever I get my nerve back, I'll try again and triplecheck my spelling and back up my esp fifteen times.


You were indeed a big help regardless of my bumblings though miss!

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