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Skyrim spells not working


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Several spells are not working properly. As far as I have seen so far, all conjuration spells and ward spells are currently not working. This also happens with the Lightning storm shout. The portal to the soul cairn from Dawnguard DLC is also not working, which I believe is related to this problem.


With Conjuration spells, the player character will play the animation, but the actual effect of being summoned doesn't occur. Thus, bound weapons will only result in my character raising their hand, and summon spells have no effect what so ever.


With Ward spells, the player character will hold his hand out in front of him as if using a ward, but the actual blurry ward effect does not appear, and the game will not recognize that there actually is a ward active. That is, damage hits me normally, and Tolfdir will not shoot spells at me during the first orientation at the Winterhold College.


Lightning storm has no effect what so ever.


With Dawnguard, Serena will never add blood to the chalice, resulting in the soul cairn never opening up.


My guess is that there is something wrong with my scripts, as I have many script intensive mods which probably caused the error. However, I've uninstalled all my mods and this problem is still occurring meaning one of my mods must have played around with my vanilla files.


Anyone know what's wrong?

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Update: Starting a new game results in no problems at all. It seems that the problem is being caused by something (perk? effect? etc.) that I picked up during my adventures. I'd hate to have to start a new game, so I'll keep looking into the problem. Hopefully this will be of help to anyone else who runs into the problem. Edited by diaphantos
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