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My Vault 88


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Just thought I'd show my in-progress Vault 88. Here are the first screenshots from the Hall of Images. (And if you get that reference to a certain piece of literature then congratulations you win +5 internets. :tongue: ) I'll put a caption below each screenshot saying what's in it.



The Varia Gravity and Phazon Suits from Metroid Prime.



Sarah Kerrigan and Nova Terra from Starcraft.



Tychus Findlay and James Raynor next to them.



Blue Team from Halo. From left to right, we have: John the Master Chief, Sam, Kelly, Fred, and Linda.



Noble Team. From left to right are: Noble Six, Kat, Carter, Jun, Emile, and Jorge. Unfortunately there's a glitch in the Mjolnir Mark V Armor mod that makes all the visors black like that instead of their chosen color on mannequins. :mad: :down:



Maya Sancar and a fleet officer, and then from left to right we have: a marine, a marine ODST, a regular ODST, and Locke.



Here we have kreuts in the first pic from left to right: An SS officer, Waffen-SS in normal outfit, Waffen-SS in fall camo, and a Waffen-SS guy in summer camo.



The soviets. From left to right are: a civillian 5th collumnist, normal infantry, a sniper, an airborne in uniform, an airborne in combat gear, an officer, and a general. To the right of him there's an NVA general.



A view of everything.

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