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Waking Nightmare Quest CTD


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I'm getting a CTD while trying to complete the Waking Nightmare Quest. The game runs fine up until I reach the part of the quest where you release the Miasma and then disable the magic barrier. If I attempt to save the game at this point, the game CTDs.


If I abandon the quest before drinking Vaermina's Torpor I have no saving->CTD problems. The game is very stable otherwise.


I'm running multiple mods. (In the range of 90) I've added them slowly in groups, to verify they didn't cause any CTDs.


Does anyone know of Mods that would cause a problem w/ this quest.


Link to "Waking Nightmare" quest: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Waking_Nightmare

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As of patch 1.8, saving during or after the Dreamstride portion of the quest will cause the game to freeze on consoles or crash to desktop on PC.


To prevent this, avoid saving during this quest, and disable autosaves as well.

PC NoteXBox Note Alternatively, after removing the barrier to speak with Erandur, simply leave the dungeon to go outside (in icy Skyrim), save outside, re-enter, and you should be able to save again normally.

PC Note As the bug originates during the Dreamstride, use the console command tcl, cross through the barrier, and remove the soul gem. Since the quest progress is scripted through the status of the soul gem, this will progress the quest just as if you had used the Dreamstride. The only impact it will cause on the game is that there will be no enemies except two orcs in the dining room, Torek and Veren.

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