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Thalmor Invasion


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I hate the Thalmor. I think it would be cool if there was a mod that would add Thalmor war parties in the game that you can fight off. Lets say the Thalmor are trying to take skyrim again. Feel free to expand off my idea, but in my mind this can be kept simple without quests/game changing events. Heres how I see it if I knew how to make mods:


- Just like how you randomly encounter a thalmor mage and two soldiers, this would add random encounters with a nicely sized war party (10 thalmors?) that is hostile.

- Thalmor war parties can launch attacks against towns/cities/mod homes to where guards/mod home guards would try to fend off.

- Forts generally not occupied by bandits could become 'military' camps for Thalmor.


I saw somebody had this idea here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25470 but it seems abandoned as the last update and comment was from October of 2012. I wouldn't mind if his idea gets kicked through by someone else with quests and all that stuff, but generally id like to see something that could shed some blood against the Thalmor.

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