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need a script

Guest KillMeTwice

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Sure thing.


scn MySwapperScript
;scn stands for Scriptname.  All scripts need to be named on their first line.

Begin OnActivate
;All of a script's functions need to take place in a Begin/End loop, that determines when they play.
;An OnActivate loop, as the name implies, runs when you activate something in the world.

  if (player.GetItemCount MyItem1 > 0)
 ;The contents of an If/Endif loop only run when their specified condition is true.
 ;In this case, the player has more than zero of MyItem1.

  player.RemoveItem MyItem1 1
  player.AddItem MyItem2 1


If you wanted it to do the swap when activating the object in your inventory, you'd have to use OnEquip instead of OnActivate.

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