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Control Lag?


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Hey, guys. I play Skyrim on a computer with Intel HD Graphics and I have most visual settings set either on medium or quite low. On top of that I set other things you can only access through the preferences low, too and I use GameBooster while I play. The graphics run smooth, in fact they may even be nice on all medium. But, I suffer from control lag... like noticeable. There is about a 1/2 second delay between me pressing the movement key and the character actually moving. The effect is worse if I look at my character in 3rd Person. Is this a graphics problem or another problem entirely? Again, the graphics (seem) to run really well and my only problem is control delays. Thank you.
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ok. that helps. well, I'm not sure if Microsoft or the XBL team will say anything (i use an xbl controller) but knowing that gamebooster can check my drivers is nice. I think I may also just need a better graphics card, too. I have a radeon hd 5450, which, to my knowledge should run skyrim fairly well on medium-high. All i need is the correct power box, or whatever you call it. :D
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  • 3 months later...

OK... I still have this problem. I haven't switched graphics cards yet, so I am still stuck with my intel hd graphics... would that have anything to do with it? I have SOME keyboard and mouse lag in 1st person, but it's hardly noticeable. It's when I turn on 3rd person that it gets noticeable, like a whole 1/4-1/2 second delay between my pressing a button or joystick and the actual action happening. I have also tried unplugging and replugging my mouse and keyboard in. Didn't fix anything and using a 360 controller kinda makes it a bit worse. Do graphics have any play in this?

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