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Request help with npc combat...vault74a.esp


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Hello there, I am very excited about modding fallout3. I downloaded the geck and worked through the tutorial *a very good starting place and I learned a lot* but I still could use some assistance if someone out there in happy land is willing I would be most thankfull.


I have a vault74a cell, currently with 3 npcs in it.

1 by the door

1 in the windowed room beside the door

1 upstairs in the back


The npcs should appear green on radar at first, unless attacked.

The npc in the windowed room should attack player if player attacks npc by the door

the npc by the door should not attack the player if the player attacks the window npc

the npc upstairs should turn red if the player kills either of the npcs downstairs.


thats how I want it to work that is...currently my errors are


The window npc attacks player only after player kills door npc not during the player/door npc fight as I would prefer.

If player attacks upstairs npc, npc turns red and fights back....but does not move at all just stands in one place....I am ok with this behaviour on the 2 downstairs npcs....but not on this guy and cant seem to figure out how to fix it.


So thats my problem it seems like it should be so easy to fix, but I have spent 4 deays on it and I feel like giving up...So if someone would take a look at the file and either fix it, or preferably fix it and explain how...that would be so awsome


coc vault74a test.esp


Thanks for looking

Merry Christmas

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