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C++ CTD, become VampLord through console commands?


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So, I'm a "victim" of this "bug"

C++ Runtime Error Mega-Thread


Short version of this is that after beginning the Dawnguard main questline the game starts to randomly crash, giving a "R6025 - pure virtual function call" error.

Other people with the same error have come up with some sort of a fix, either disable Dawnguard completely or delay its automatic start at level 10 by using Dawnguard Delayed Start


By doing this you give up on everything that you payed 20 bucks for except the new weapons, including the totally badass Vampire Lord form.

So what I want to do is to by console commands be able to be that badass Vampire Lord. Is it possible, and if so how?


Thanks to everyone in advance whos whilling to give a helping hand!

Edited by Frgo10
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