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ajax109 - BANNED

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ajax109 banned.

Entitled behaviour
Consistently aggressive belittling other members and their contents
Publicly soliciting/offering compensation for files/services via the image share feature (image removed 25 March 2020 with notification concerning the site owner‘s Non-Solicitation Rules)
Knowingly attempting to circumventing the site owner's Donation Options & Guidelines/Non-Solicitation Rules by

  • soliciting via the personal messenger system (28 August 2020)
  • attempting to solicit again on a mod author’s mod comment thread (30/31 August 2020)

ignoring the said notification
Particularly offensive and discriminating remarks towards another member and a group of people after the said member refused to accept offered compensation/solicitation for files/services (via the personal messenger system)


09 August 2020 - 11:34 AM
You found enough time to respond to my comment, but cannot answer a simple question?

10 August 2020 - 04:51 AM
But you have more than enough time to write responses, and can't answer a simple question. No offense, but my IQ is systematically dropping just reading your text.

Edit: "Mods that retexture the existing weapons should work just fine." You couldn't have simply said that?
Edited by ajax109, 10 August 2020 - 04:53 AM.

10 August 2020 - 10:23 AM
If you're annoyed by the constant comments asking the same rhetorical questions, maybe don't respond? If you're answering the same questions over and over again, but insist on directing me to an FAQ where you could have simply either not responded or copy and pasted a simple response, better yet. Just take a few seconds out of your way to say yes. This mod's compatible, and before you make the "I don't have f***ing time for that" argument, that's horse s*** because you're wasting countless time in your responses to me now, your entire curriculum is both counter-productive and utterly pointless.

The fact that you wasted so much time arguing with me on this subject, is only further reinforcing my claim.
Edited by ajax109, 10 August 2020 - 10:24 AM.

22 August 2020 - 03:59 AM
Looks like a horse kicked her in the face, are you sure that's even a woman?

24 August 2020 - 09:06 AM
Hmmm, seems like a waste of resources, and talent. How often do you anticipate people going underwater, especially in a game like Fallout? This isn't exactly Subnautica.

26 August 2020 - 06:09 AM
Haha, sounds like somebody is butt hurt.

Also, who am I harassing again? I make perfectly legitimate business proposals to anyone with the necessary skills. I'm sorry if I don't have every waking moment to spend studying on particular skill sets that involve the Creation Kit, some people actually have lives, and jobs, and families to support, in a financial capacity. Aide from my proposals to other modders being none of your concern. I don't really see the relevance in your question.

Or perhaps you're just upset, because I said something you disagreed with? Guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion, I find it hypocritical that you clearly suffer from little man syndrome when faced with constructive criticism. You kinda have it coming, especially if you display your work out here for the community to review.

Lastly, yeah. I did say don't waste my time. Because you spent the better part of an hour arguing the ethical part of compensating freelance contractors for work they do for their employers. I understand that it's your opinion that modders should work for free, that's fine. But in "my" opinion, they should be rewarded for services rendered. I asked a simple question, because you seemed genuinely intrigued in what I had to offer, and then insisted on wasting both of our times when I only required a simple answer, you're a stereotypical Karen, you must live a very miserable life to make such degenerative statements.. You really should consider researching the definition of harassment, you might be surprised.

PS: By the way, I actually did get "somethings" done. I completed a retexture mod for the MZC Community, in which even you yourself commended me on.. You liked my work, probably downloaded and installed it into your game.. You f***ing fanboy.. Haha, ah. I uploaded my little project before any of yours saw the light of day, that's gotta sting.
Edited by ajax109, 26 August 2020 - 06:21 AM.

26 August 2020 - 06:15 AM

26 August 2020 - 06:27 AM
Your graphics are about as old as the dinosaurs, you must play on a potato.
Edited by ajax109, 26 August 2020 - 06:27 AM.

30 August 2020 - 08:41 AM
Hello, *username*.
I was curious. Do you happen to have a business email, that you are permitted to release to the general public?

31 August 2020 - 03:48 PM
A shame, I had hope to seek your aid in a very promising project, one that you would have been handsomely compensated for.

Solicting/offensive and discriminating remarks via the personal messenger system

The user publicly offered compensation for files/services via the image share feature 25 March 2020 4:08AM. The pertaining image was removed 25 Mar 2020, 1:06PM with extensive notification concerning the site owner's Non-Solicitation Rules.

The user attempted to circumvent the pertaining rules by unsolicitedly sending another member a personal message 28 August 2020 - 03:35 AM in order to offer compensation for files/services.
S/he eventually posted offensive remarks towards the other member in return to the said member's refusal of the offered compensation/soliciting.

Personal message (excerpt of the whole conversation):
Title: Opportunity For Profit
Message 28 August 2020 - 02:02 PM:

You'd be surprised, that little thing you call a "mod" isn't enough to keep the Fallout 3 Nexus Community alive. Though, my projects will certainly preserve the game for years to come.

Also, to each is own. Though, I'm going to have to disagree with you there, with all due respect. There's nothing sketchy about my proposition whatsoever. All you're doing is called "profiling" and it's extremely hypocritical, by definition. If I don't wish to alert the general public of any announcements of said project, or attempt a marketing campaign that's my business. I'm not obligated to justify my actions to anyone either. There's nothing illegal about what I'm doing, if I want to fund my own project that I'm building from the ground up. That, is my business. What is anyone going to sue me for? So I'm not allowed to give money to whoever I please, is compensation for services rendered no longer considered perfectly legitimate business? I'm sorry, I just can't get over that. I hope you were just joking about. Because your statement made you sound as if you're suffering from some sort of, mental retardation.

Besides that, I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't work for free.

Judging by the information on your profile, I'd be willing to make a bet with Vegas and say you're probably *nationality*. Suppose I Couldn't expect any, professional courtesy from your people. Perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on you either, your society is beyond repair, it's extremely liberalized and you're going in the direction of pure anarchy, or socialism. Not sure which is worse, to be honest.. Wait a moment, you people hate money, probably want it abolished too.. Hmm, scratch socialism. You *nationality* are literal communist!

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