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immerisve mod Ideas


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I for one find that The better mods are More adult themed Immersed mods such as paradise halls One if someone could make a hot fix for beast races for the collar on that mod that be great but I digress Mods That would put more immerse elements like lets see here maybe a way for you to cheat on your wife and if you do and she finds out some stuff happens like a mod that adds More weight to your actions Drama if you will Say if you say I hate this guy later in the story they will get mad at you and you could lose out of a great thing to happen like having a follower or money or a weapon In speaking of mods like that how about a house for Solstine WE need houses for that place because To be honest I want to live there I want more quest I want a little more I want solestine to be a viable place to live Just like skyrim is but adding more to do with in the new realm because I perfer ashy lands of morrowind to the Cold tundra of Skyrim any day
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