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SkyrimNexus registration


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I am a new on Skyrim Forum and I don't know if this topic is in the correct section.

I try to register on SkyrimNexus but I've never received validation mail. My id and password on this forrum are not accepted on SkyrimNexus. Saying that I have to check my mail for activation. But I've never recive that mail after 3 days. The only activation mail I got is the one for this forum. But not for SkyrimNexus.


Someone can help me please. I need to download Ask Follower Skill but because of this problem I can't.


Thank you all.

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This must be a technical issue with the Skyrim site. If you can post here, your account should already be activated.

There is only 1 account for all Nexus sites and the forums, and we are not allowed to have more than 1.


I suggest asking this in the Feedback, suggestions and questions section rather, because it might take some time for someone of the staff to read your post here otherwise.


Or you could PM a member of the staff, an Admin preferably, directly and ask for help. The Skyrim Nexus site shouldn't be telling you your account isn't activated. I could imagine trouble with your passwort, or your membership getting communicated to all sites and servers, as the sites and the forums are quite different, technically, and what works here doesn't automatically work over there, or in the Nexus Mod Manager especially, but that's something only the staff can handle for you.


edit: One of those technical differences is different requirements to the password you are allowed you type in, like length, allowed characters, etc.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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