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ENB Crashing, even after uninstall


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Ok, so last nite I thought I'd give the ENB Series a try, downloaded the latest version. I used the 'Injector Version', although I wasn't sure what to do with the injector. Anyway, I placed the files into the game directory like the instructions said, I ran the 'ENB Injector' program then launched the game via FOMM. The game crashed on startup, didn't get past the first 'slide'. Anyway, after that I said 'screw it' and decided to just install the mod and use something else instead. So, I deleted the files I placed in the directory but the game still crashes on startup... did the mod alter something somewhere that I need to reset back to normal or is there some file lingering somewhere causing problems? Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance. Edited by blackhand8657
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Nevermind, found the problem, wasnt even ENB related. I use DarnUI which has you edit the Fallout.ini 'Fonts' section, and sometimes it get reset to default when the vanilla launcher is opened. anyway, the vanilla launcher was opened and I had to go edit the INI again and I did the usual copy/paste of the necessary code and accidentally added an extra line @ [Fonts] with another "[Fonts]". anyway, glad to know it wasnt ENB and it was a simple problem to fix.
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