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Headgear too big for the head


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So i've been noticing this bug in New Vegas for quite some time now where some headgear wouldn't scale properly to your character head/hair and would weirdly float around. It's mostly the bandanas that seem to be affected and it's especially visible with the balds hairstyles...


I am playing TTW but i remember having the same bug on a previous playtrought that was barely modded...


Pics :


With hairstyle (see how the sides float around)




with the bald hairstyle





Any idea how to fix this?

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Thank you! I'l check it out


Edit : so i've followed the instructions, generated the EMG and gave them the same name as the .nif but... Everything is the same... Am i supposed to do something with the EGM afterward or?

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I'm not a modeller, so I am not the person to ask. (They watch the "Troubleshooting Mods" and "Mod Requests" sub-forums.) But did you notice:

Note that everything related to the head must be placed in a BSA for it to be processed properly by the game engine. Otherwise the "loose files" do not get "conformed" to the head mesh properly. (Use the "BSArch" tool linked in the Packaging Tools section to create/update your BSA file.)


and create a BSA for your new version of the plugin? (See "TIP BSA Files" under the "Packaging Mods for Installation" section of the same wiki article.)


If that does turn out to be the issue, let me know and I will make that information more prominent in the Tip.



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I did but i cannot for the life of me create a .bsa since bsarch.exe completely refuse to work. When i extract & click on it, the window will appear for a micro-second before closing itself...

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BSArch is a "command line" tool. You have to run it from the "Command Prompt" (aka the "system shell"). What you are seeing is the "command prompt" window opening, displaying an error message (probably because the "bsarch" tool is missing required parameters), and then (because the "cmd.exe" command doesn't use the "/k" switch by default, to keep the window open so you can read the message) it is then closing immediately.


Try the command "%comspec% /k <pathto>\BSArch.exe" followed by the "<archive>" name and the "[parameters]". ("%comspec%" is a environmental variable shortcut which is automatically translated into the correct equivalent of "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe".) If "<pathto>" contains any spaces, then you need to enclose the [<pathto>\BSArch.exe] part inside of double quote marks ("). I suggest you create a short "batch" file with that command in it, launch it from a "link" shortcut, and then tweak that batch file as necessary until you get it correct instead of starting the command prompt directly from the "RUN" command. Manually type the "exit" command into a command prompt window when you are done using it or looking at messages.



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Oooh so that's how it work... Well i finally did the bsa but unfortunately it didn't fix my issue as the bandanas still doesn't scale...


For some reason bandanas seem to work more or less normally on Charon my ghoul companion though :







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Again ... I am not a modeller. But be sure to name your custom BSA correctly. The significant part of the filename (up to a "whitespace character") has to match that of the ESP file EXACTLY. For example: "Fallout.ESP" has "Fallout - Textures.BSA" and "Fallout - Textures2.BSA"; while "JIP Companions Command & Control.esp" has "JIP Companions Command & Control - Assets.bsa". The use of the hyphen to separate the significant part of the "name" from the distinguishing "use" is merely a convention, but it does help everyone understand the purpose.



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Don't worry that's what i did (not my first time using dummy esp) but it still didn't fix the issue...


I also decided to launch a completely vanilla version of the game using MO to see and it still appear :



So we can definitively rule out the cause being mods. It's weird because i don't remember seeing this issue on my old playtroughs of the game back in the days... But maybe it's just my memory embellishing.

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Hmm. I notice that even in your ghoul character screenshots that there are some gaps around the temples, though less noticeable. Suggests to me that the "headband" itself needs the EGM, EGT, and FIM files to be internally linked (probably through the mesh OBJ file, but not my area of experience). All I can suggest at this point is you ask about that process where an actual model maker will see it. You can ask a moderator (see "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page) to move this thread to the "Mod Troubleshooting" sub forum, or just create a new more focused topic. "Different sub forums get different eyeballs."



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