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[REQ] Gun Runners DC


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Fallout 1 had a great solution for the abundance of firearms still in working order - The Gun Runners. A faction, with their own quests if I recall, that was producing weapons from plans and parts left over from the war.


Mod Idea: A group of Mercs & Traders takeover an abandoned vault... fix it up... put in defenses... start manufacturing guns and ammo from blueprints found in the Vault archives... Gun Runners DC Mod - Opinions?


Just to give you an idea of exactly what I mean:

  • The Mercs/Traders build their own sheet metal stamping press from parts and blueprints found in the Vault - not repairing and using a pre-war weapons plant.
  • They're making weapons like 10mm Pistols, 10mm SMG, Shotguns, Hunting Rifles, Assault Rifles from blueprints found in the Vault Archives - no Laser or Plasma weapons - you could increase their 'stock' by finding blueprints in the wasteland.
  • Could add production and sale of mid-level armors too I guess - Metal Armor, FO2 style Leather Armor (not the FO3 style leather jacket/suit)
  • You could sell them weapons and ammo but you're not gonna get a great price - they're making their own, they'd only disassemble yours for parts - so you couldn't use the place to become filthy rich.
  • Food and Water items would be a profitable item to trade with them.
  • They would have the Vault very well protected - Guards, Turrets, Barracks - The only way you would be able to 'take it' would be part of some Raider/Talon Company 'Lets clean them out' quest, which would remove the place as a functional location - like nuking Megaton - or could simply move ownership to the new faction.
  • Possible use of the Little Lamplight no-combat style so you couldn't go in and kill/steal everything even using god-weapons - perhaps only the Raider quest could disable this.
  • Forcing a non-combat mode on the player isn't my preference but you'd need someway to ensure the player couldn't simply kill and loot the entire place and become filthy rich and equipped from one single location. - kudos to PrometheusV for bringing this up.
  • Would add a place that new weapons (mods) could be purchased from.

Possible Quests

  • BoS: Negotiate deal for trading ammo to the BoS, they must be running low after 20years in DC.
  • Raiders/Talon Company: Launch an attack on the Vault, the faction you join then takes over.
  • Gun Runners: Locate and retrieve raw-materials for gunpowder or the formula for better quality stuff from one of the Armorys/Depots in DC.
  • Gun Runners: Locate and retrieve blueprints for some of the higher-level weapons, like Sniper Rifles.
  • Gun Runners: Set up a deal with Canterbury Commons for Food/Water trade through the Caravans.
  • Outcasts / BoS: Get access to the GR Vault archives and download any blueprints or data on Robots or Laser/Plasma Weaponry.
  • Rivet City: Set up a deal for exchanging Rivet City's new fresh food for guns and ammo from the Gun Runners.

Have had this idea for a little while, the whole "Can't take a leak without tripping over an Assault Rifle 200years later" thing kinda bugged me since I've been playing this game and after reading about how AK-47 replicas are built in the middle east from scrap metal in illegal metal stamping outfits.


I would thing it'd be great to have something like this in the game, and it would be a lore-friendly addition as well.


Feedback and ideas appreciated. :D

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I have always wondered about the amount of weapons in fallout 3. I mean the 'This weapon was handed down to me' line can only go so far.


P.s. maybe a little add on you would consider is that they're constantly running low on scrap metal. Give them what they want, you get weapons/ammo.

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@mjjking - Thanks :biggrin: This is outside my scope of ability and time, but I hope someone takes an interest in making it.


@Mattlock737 - Did you mean a trade like the Scrap Metal for Caps/Stims like in Megaton / Underworld or actual barter

on a trade basis I'm guessing it could work like this:



  • Scrap Metal , Bullet Casings (loot from a gun-equipped corpse?) , Gun Parts (breakdown guns into parts using a workbench?)
  • Schematics , Blueprints
  • Gunpowder or ingredients for it (there's a mod around somewhere that gives nitrates from a toilet using a tin can)
  • Food & Water


  • Guns
  • Armor
  • Ammo
  • Gun Upgrades - I want my extended-mag Assault Rifle from FO2 darn it! (suppose they could just be edited copies of the basic weapons, but only sold by Gun Runners)

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Sweet! Thanks PrometheusV ;D

No problem if it takes time - heck the more time the better the idea can be refined and improved for a better mod.


Yeah no new models would be needed, all stock items would work just fine.

Easy Stuff - New Items, NPCs, Dialogue

Not So Easy Stuff - Scripts & Triggers, Using GECK to create the Vault (I've tried but haven't really figured it out)


The only new models possible required would be original new weapons if they were added to the GunRunner-Vault - and that would only entail adding a reference to an item code from the weapon mod in question.

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Great idea. I'm no modder neither, but maybe we can pool some ideas together.


@cobalt 262: No need in breaking guns down to their components, if you can do that to repair guns in the middle of a fight, they can too with their equipment.


But good idea in selling them used weapons and parts used for weapons, but why exchange in ammo and weapons? Ammo and weapons is what they create, so why should they give you new weapons and ammo if you give them the components? They must be stupid. They should only give money. Let's say x1.5 what usual traders would give you for weapons.


But maybe, after you've delivered enough components for them, they've got a prototype of a rifle for you to test? Or share their blueprints?

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The whole 'Breaking weapons down into components' gig is part of something I was thinking of based on weapon repairs, thought it might make a good tie-in with this Gun Runner mod. More info here if you're interested.


They'd need components for the building of new weapons, they can produce finished weapons but wouldn't have a good source of raw material (ie. components & scrap metal). The exchange is in Weapons and Ammo because that's all they're selling/manufacturing really - though there's no harm with having a mess-hall or doctor in the place, I was just talking about their main export items.


Getting to try out new prototypes would be great: "Hey we'd like you to test out this brand new modified .308 Sniper Rifle with Incindary ammo for us, and if we could get some feedback on just how well it performs on the local wildlife - we've been having trouble with Raiders lately - we'd really appreciate it!"

Blueprints... Well I think they'd likely keep those to themselves, which means others would pay you to steal them :biggrin:


As for repairing guns & armor in the middle of a fight - I'd give anything for a mod that put an end to that.

"Excuse me Mr.Super Mutie, would you mind if we took a short break so I can dismantle my Minigun to replace the feed mechanism, patch up my Power Armor, eat a couple of steaks, splint up my broken arm, pep myself up on Med-X and Psycho - and THEN we can continue the fight?"

- talk about an immersion killer :dry:

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The whole 'Breaking weapons down into components' gig is part of something I was thinking of based on weapon repairs, thought it might make a good tie-in with this Gun Runner mod. More info here if you're interested.


They'd need components for the building of new weapons, they can produce finished weapons but wouldn't have a good source of raw material (ie. components & scrap metal). The exchange is in Weapons and Ammo because that's all they're selling/manufacturing really - though there's no harm with having a mess-hall or doctor in the place, I was just talking about their main export items.


Getting to try out new prototypes would be great: "Hey we'd like you to test out this brand new modified .308 Sniper Rifle with Incindary ammo for us, and if we could get some feedback on just how well it performs on the local wildlife - we've been having trouble with Raiders lately - we'd really appreciate it!"

Blueprints... Well I think they'd likely keep those to themselves, which means others would pay you to steal them :biggrin:


As for repairing guns & armor in the middle of a fight - I'd give anything for a mod that put an end to that.

"Excuse me Mr.Super Mutie, would you mind if we took a short break so I can dismantle my Minigun to replace the feed mechanism, patch up my Power Armor, eat a couple of steaks, splint up my broken arm, pep myself up on Med-X and Psycho - and THEN we can continue the fight?"

- talk about an immersion killer :dry:


Theres already a mod for that, (cant remember the name) turns Combat back into turn based Actionpointeating Mode.

I think its a 12 second circle, Vatsshots and managing stuff costs action points (using stimpacks, changing rifle, opening equipment etc) reload is i think 1 point every second. From the demo video i hardy noticed a difference from normal gameplay but the enemies where actually able to shot back and hit you while they had their 12 seconds :)

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The whole 'Breaking weapons down into components' gig is part of something I was thinking of based on weapon repairs, thought it might make a good tie-in with this Gun Runner mod. More info here if you're interested.


They'd need components for the building of new weapons, they can produce finished weapons but wouldn't have a good source of raw material (ie. components & scrap metal). The exchange is in Weapons and Ammo because that's all they're selling/manufacturing really - though there's no harm with having a mess-hall or doctor in the place, I was just talking about their main export items.


Getting to try out new prototypes would be great: "Hey we'd like you to test out this brand new modified .308 Sniper Rifle with Incindary ammo for us, and if we could get some feedback on just how well it performs on the local wildlife - we've been having trouble with Raiders lately - we'd really appreciate it!"

Blueprints... Well I think they'd likely keep those to themselves, which means others would pay you to steal them :biggrin:


As for repairing guns & armor in the middle of a fight - I'd give anything for a mod that put an end to that.

"Excuse me Mr.Super Mutie, would you mind if we took a short break so I can dismantle my Minigun to replace the feed mechanism, patch up my Power Armor, eat a couple of steaks, splint up my broken arm, pep myself up on Med-X and Psycho - and THEN we can continue the fight?"

- talk about an immersion killer :dry:


Theres already a mod for that, (cant remember the name) turns Combat back into turn based Actionpointeating Mode.

I think its a 12 second circle, Vatsshots and managing stuff costs action points (using stimpacks, changing rifle, opening equipment etc) reload is i think 1 point every second. From the demo video i hardy noticed a difference from normal gameplay but the enemies where actually able to shot back and hit you while they had their 12 seconds :)


You have a link sir?

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