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Stardew Valley

Kitchen Glitch


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I have tried multiple mods to change the look of the farmhouse kitchen, I used the content patcher versions of each mod (after changing the furniture file backfired) and each one has the same glitch, when I try to go to bed I get the dialogue and select yes and then nothing happens until I try to walk outside, this triggers the saving/next day.


Each time this happened I removed the kitchen mod (all my others are stable, I've checked), uninstalled, reinstalled, everything worked fine, tried another kitchen and bam I can't save again


Can anyone help?


The other mods I have are:

-Oasis greenhouse

-Rustic walls and floors

-Cheats menu

-Item spawner

-Instant buildings

-No crows

-NPC map locations

-Warm and cozy fireplaces

-Yuriyuri's hairstyles

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