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Stardew Valley

Help with mods constantly changing my items


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I am fairly new to using mods in my game. I have loads of mods for this game to expand and get new veggies, etc. My problem is that when I update or add these mods to an existing game, the items change form in my game. So I added garden village mod, and updated a few mods yesterday, and my carrots, celery, spices and more have become drinks, and syrups. (I do have old saves to go back to) I'm wondering how to prevent this from happening. Is there a certain way to have things load? Or a certain way to name things? I've also had my machines swap around, like a cream soda machine changes to an ice cream maker. Also if I use an old save, and play for a while, then save, will it keep everything the items the way they were, or will the next time I go on, it lose those ids? It's happened to me a few times in the past month, and I'm getting tired of losing so many items that I've worked so hard to grow, and buy.

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