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Movement enhancing power armor?


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Alright, so I'm running with the idea that power armor replaced tanks in the Fallout universe, and thus my current armor mod (unpublished as of yet) adds substantial bonuses to the strength, carry capacity, perception, AP, rad resistances and damage resistances of power armor suits befitting a wearable tank.


They also happen to weigh a lot. The numbers may sound ridiculous at first, but if you think about today's exoskeleton concepts from Berkley Bionics and Sarcos (40-50lbs) being fully armored with targeting gear and NBC breather systems they'd weigh a good couple hundred pounds. Thus my BoS and Outcast armor (refered to in my mod as the T-47a in reference to the MP-47/A medic armor and the fact that it doesn't burn energy cells like the T-45d) weighs a full 295 lbs, with the helmet weighing another 35 lbs. The T-51b comes in at 200 lbs for the suit and 25 for the helmet and Enclave suits are 215 lbs for the suit and 20 for the helmet. Basically what this means is you can no longer leave a PA suit in your inventory for when the firefights get rough; you either wear it or leave it.


Now, as many might have noticed with similar mods, this weight usually cuts your (already slow) running speed in half when worn. My question to all you beloved modders out there is can a script be written to negate the weight of the armor when worn so that it doesn't affect movement speed? Ideally it would actually weigh less than nothing, quite literally taking all the load off your shoulders and allowing you to run faster than without any armor at all.


Anyone know how I can do this?

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How about a suit that focuses on mobility over defense rates? It can greatly increase stealth use and still provide better defense than clothing.

If heavy armors are categorized as "Power Armors" Then medium armors like these could be "Power Suits".


No training would be required to equip a power suit and since it runs on a energy source to boost your performance, It's durability is much less than clothing and requires constant repairs.


Maybe since power armors has a negative agility and positive strength + endurance, power suits should have a negative endurance and positive agility + perception.

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Maybe I was a bit misleading. This post has nothing to do with my current stat buffs for power armor.


All I'm asking is if anyone knows how I can script the armor to either not slow down the player when worn or, even better, to speed up the player when worn. The engine automatically calculates a reduction in speed relative to total armor weight (and weapon weight if unholstered); I'd like to negate this effect but for power armor only.


Any help?

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you could always.... just lower the wieght of it, if you want it to be painfully OP by being super damage resistant and fast to move in, why not just lower the weight...? I know its not realistic, but neither is moving around in 300 ibs of armour with the most crude ass, powered assistance system possible, you realize all power armour is prototype, the power assistqance system would most likely take a few nanoseconds to process your movements, which make a movement that takes less than a nanosecond take 3 or so, whether the armour allows you to carry a tonne of gear or 3 pounds, you wont be sprinting around n it any time soon,


though Im just assuming since this stuff doesnt really exsist xD


and Im not calling you stupid or anything Im just saying.

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Ha, well actually powered exoskeletons do exist and actually you can sprint around in some of them. Here's a vid of one Berkeley Bionics's prototypes (composed of just the legs):



Sarcos (recently purchased by Raytheon) is another company with a full body suit, however theirs doesn't seem to be able to run yet.



Anyways, I know I can turn the weight down to remove the mobility penalty, but that doesn't help me if I want the armor to move faster than a naked human.

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Power Armour never did replace tanks in Fallout, since in Fallout Tactics you can get a tank and it is very dangerous, only problem is if it got destroyed it was gone for good, so I don't know many people that used it, in the current state of the wasteland I can understand why Tanks aren't used that much, even the Enclave prolly only had enough resources to field either Vertibirds or Tanks, and chose Vertibirds to focus on using precise strikes rather than overwhelming force or lasting presence, the Enclave don't seem to exert their power terribly much, and don't have much of a use for using Tanks en mass due to them having very little presence unless they want to.


the Brotherhood of Steel on the other hand are better suited to using tanks, due to them being much more "hands on" and visible to the people of the wastes. But they lack the resources to build and maintain them, they have scavenged them before (like in fallout tactics) but doing so is costly and takes time, and is just not considered cost effective given their situation, if the Brotherhood found a tank factory and could get the resource infrastructure required to crank em out, you can bet your butts they would.


Power Armour does not in any way lessen the importance of tanks, if anything, it makes them even MORE important, since power armour effectively turns a man into a walking LAV or Humvee, and nothing takes out an LAV like a Tank, except maybe Aircraft, but Tanks are cheaper and can be on the battlefield for MUCH longer and have a lasting presence, and can be used in Urban combat more readily, course even modern heavy rifles can make Swiss cheese of an uparmoured Humvee, but Humvees are notoriously easy to destroy and aren't much tougher than jeeps.

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