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Dragonborn CTD and Freezes


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Hello guys. I've been having some problems with Dragonborn. I always get CTDs or freezes when exploring Solstheim. There seem to be specific areas where the crashes happen, but they are all over the place, with few spots where I can go without crashing (such as Raven Rock). It also crashes in certain locations when I open the menu or inventory (disabling SkyUI fixed some of those).

Here is my mod list:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
CLO - Custom Lighting Overlay.esp
TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp
Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
Insanity's Umbra Sword.esp
Ripper Sword.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Artifact Disenchanting.esp
WATER - Get Wet.esp

I can walk around skyrim with a lot more mods with no problems, this only happens in Solstheim.

I'm using the latest SKSE with the latest Skyrim version and an ENB Injector with these settings: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15386#content (turning it off didn't help).

Here is my latest log: http://pastebin.com/vUS1RjR5

I've tried things like using BOSS and TES5Edit to clean the ESMs but that didn't help either.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Edited by spazdh
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I experience the same problems as you, but not every were, Raven Rock works good, but when i move around towards the center of Solstheim it usualy freezes some times it crashes. I use Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Lighting Overhaul and Enhanced Light and FX.
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I've been having the same problem -- spent quite a while the last couple nights trying to find solutions, but only recently began finding others with identical issues. So... progress! I tried reverting to UGridstoload=5, but that just made the game crash while loading any save file (I tried several recent saves). -_-*
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In order to lower your uGrids, first you need to change them to value that you used in the save (for example 7 or w/e you had), then load the save, go to an interior, edit Skyrim.ini and change uGridsToLoad=5, and then type "refreshini" in the console. Edited by spazdh
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Same problem here, but it's not a local problem, like CTDs only in a special area. I got dozens and dozens of CTDs since I downloaded Dragonborn, the only pattern I found was that the CTDs occurred most likely if I attempted to fast travel with lots of followers. As more followers as more CTDs occured and if I was that lucky that the fast travel succeeded I got sometimes violet or black texture grafic bugs. This already happened in the "old" Skyrim, no need to travel to Solstheim at all to make this experience. CTDs were dependant on how much textures/grafics were to load at the fast travel target (loads of trees and grass for example, fast travelling to somewhere near Falkreath or Riften was just a pain...)

I did the same as always, I deinstalled all mods, parked my toon in an interior cell, created a clean save and installed mod per mod anew and tested for CTDs.

All I can say so far is, it's not a mod problem, at least for me. I downloaded the new Dragonborn HD pack and maybe this was the bit needed to get over the top concerning the stableness of my system, grafic settings and .initweaks.

I played Skyrim with higher than ultra values, tons of high rez mods and loads of .initweaks.

The most stressing adjustments:

-playing with 2 x 670 GTX SLI (4 GB VRAM...and yes, I know VRAM isn't doubled by SLI mode, one card has 4 GB VRAM) but on 2560 x 1440 resolution (this resolution makes a big difference, but if you ever played Skyrim with loads of high rez texture mods at this resolution, you never want back, never, it's a dream)

-uGridtoLoad 7/64

-AF x 16

-AA x 8

-Transparency AA x 8

-Ambient Occlusion On and on high quality lvl

-triple FXAA (Skyrim's own, RCRNv36 FXAA and Nvidia FXAA)

-alone my mountains and rocks have 8k rez textures, NPCs 4k (CBBE)

I downgraded uGridtoLoad 7 to uGridtoLoad 5 and decreased some other values (treeload from 100.000 to 75.000, LoDs from 20 to 15, decreased DecalsperFrame, SkinnedDecalsperFrame and DecalLifetime and maxParticles from 1000 to 750) and kept the grafic card settings and my mods and now
I will get a CTD here and there, but maybe one per hour and no need to load a game thrice for one fast travel as before. I deinstalled SFO Summer Edition and changed to the normal edition, too.

I have no idea what Dragonborn did, but it increased system pressure, defintely....and to be honest, there must be some sloppy coding within Dragonborn...I expect some more performance for my machine (i7 2600K, 2 x Asus 670 GTX SLI, 16 GB 1600 DDR3 RAM, 256 GB SSD), really... My suspects number one are scripts that came along with Dragonborn, I really think that some of them aren't running smoothly and therefore claim performance.

Now I am able to play again and I am able to keep the "real important" settings (that's not the .initweaks, the texture mods in combination with your grafic card settings make your Skyrim shine).

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