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Another DragonBorn DLC bug


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I've gone all the way thru to the part where you ride the dragon for the 1st time. What happens to me is that, I'm able to get onto the dragon, but then the dialogue "Let's talk about home...." shows up. I escape out of that and the dragon flies off leaving me as though I'm on the dragon flying, but I'm still on the ground. Any ideas about this bug?!?!
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I've gone all the way thru to the part where you ride the dragon for the 1st time. What happens to me is that, I'm able to get onto the dragon, but then the dialogue "Let's talk about home...." shows up. I escape out of that and the dragon flies off leaving me as though I'm on the dragon flying, but I'm still on the ground. Any ideas about this bug?!?!


Update Skyrim Unoffical path, try the Dragonborn Unoffical patch ..also, if you have a Skeleton.nif file in the directory "Meshes/Actors/Dragon/Charater Assets/", delete or move it.


The above should fix the "stuck on the ground with flying animation", your dialog part is bound for sure to be a mod interference.

Edited by Sirropoo
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I've done all you've suggested...I am running "my home is your home" mod...and I think that dialogue belongs to that mod..I'll disable it after I dismiss my followers and see what happens...thx Edited by dsteve59
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