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Miraak Invisible clicth


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So... I am at the summit and I was able to get Miraak low enough for Mora to intefere.

It's now the glicth for me comes... for some reaon Miraak is Invisible as in I can't see him.

I hear him talk and see the tentacle stabbing him, but not him.


In this video you can see him, but I can't see him at all.


I have no idea if this is a animation glicth whatnot... I have tried disabling the animations related to FNIS (Behaviors)(characters/defaultfemale/male) since that made the floating magic thingy in the giant shroom to freeze up.

But that did not work at all.


Does anyone have a fix or same problem? I cheked youtube to see if others both on Xbox or PC had the same... nothing I could see.

Edited by MatrixCoder
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There are few people who have had the same problem I find that he's not actually invisable but he is underneath the ground haven't found a fix for this as of yet though


Hmm.. might be that ye.


also.. It seems that Xbox players can have the same glitch;

[b]After killing Miraak his body disappears and can not be looted.[/b]


From TES Wikia.


But as you stated that he doesnæt disapear but gets stuck underground as a result. Id wager the same glitch is with the Xbox players, but due the fact that Xbox lacks the console command cheats you wont be able to get to him.

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