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When items DropObject() they're stealing?


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I have the player drop an item and a companion pick it up. When I have that same companion use DropObject() on that item, the item is marked as stealing for the player. Why? This has something to do with the Owner of the item I think. If that is not the proper way to drop an item to keep the correct owner as not stealing, then what would be the proper way?

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Answering my own question: this function works for dropping and adjusts if you pass an item reference or base form:


ObjectReference Function DropItem(ObjectReference akSenderRef, Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference)
  Actor actorOwner = akSenderRef as Actor
  ObjectReference droppedObject
  If akItemReference != None
    droppedObject = akItemReference
    droppedObject = akSenderRef.DropObject(akBaseItem, aiItemCount)
  If droppedObject != None
    droppedObject.SetActorRefOwner(actorOwner, true)
  return droppedObject
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