drataax Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 Personally as an American, I beleive that he should be. Im not saying that all americans are this way, just pointing out my own beleifs. But what are your theories on this topic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Albareth Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 Burned? What, as in on the stake? Are you joking? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surian Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 my thoughts exactly... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandorssen Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 Let us say, for just a moment, that Canada decided to declare war on the US for arbitrarily invading a sovereign country that posed no threat to our security (as Iraq did in the first gulf war, and as we have done to Iraq). Further, lets say that Canada and their "Coalition of the Willing" were successful in overthrowing our tyrannical government and installing a new one that suited their tastes. Would you then be willing to see G. W. burn, or be as quick to deal out judgment? Although I am not a religious man, a passage from the Good Book comes to mind: Judge not lest ye be judged. Of course that is a simple dictum with little meaning in our times, but it is a truth. Of course Sadam is in all respects a despot and tyrant to the furthest degree, and he deserves nothing less than the ultimate punishment available under Iraqi law. I believe, however, that for his trial and punishment to have had any legitimacy at all, that the action should have been initiated by the people of Iraq and not by the efforts of a foreign invader. And that you believe he should burn because you are an American!? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Frankly, I would have prefaced your comment with "Although I do not speak for the majority of Americans...". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tyjet3 Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 I'm not speaking for america but I think Saddam should be put up against a wall and be shot repeatly. Just rid the world of this worthless example of a human being. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vandorssen Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 I'm not speakinf for america but I think Saddam should be put up against a wall and be shot repeatly. Just rid the world of this worthless example of a human being.As long as Cheney (sp?) and Ashcroft are standing cheek-by-jowl by him ^_^ . Oh, and don't forget Rumsfield and Wolfowitz... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MDRud216 Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 I think by "burned" he meant executed... litterally burning someone is more than exocution, it is torture and therefore is an illegal form of capital punishment [i think]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surian Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 Firstly, I'm an american. Secondly, the amount of hatred that I see people show towards saddam is frightening. Yes, he is a terrible man, he has done some horrendous things as dictator of Iraq. however, does that give us the right to "burn" him? I don't think so. The poster of this topic, I take it, is an American; However, if he isn't then I would like to say this to any American who thinks things like that: You know that saddam was our friend for a long time right? You know that there are pictures of him shaking hands with Rumsfeild during a meeting in Iraq right? You also would know that we supported his dictatorship, knowing full well that he was a dictator and ruled through the terror of his own people. Our government gave him chemical weapons and money to carry out a war against the Iranians and he did so beautifully. Unfortunately, as I'm sure you know, he decided that it would be a good idea to gas the Kurds in his country also using weapons that we gave him. Now, our government knew this happened, they also knew that saddam was "our friend" in the middle east so we let him have his fun. May I also remind you that this was all taking place while George Bush Sr. was the vice president and later the president. So, it's not as if he didn't know all this when he declaired war suddenly and then invaded Iraq after saddam invaded oil rich kuwait. After this war was concluded our government placed an embargo on Iraq and painted Saddam to be the most evil man on the planet. Funny how we were until recently considering him to be our closest ally in the middle east after Israel don't you think? The embargo placed on Iraq did nothing to weaken Saddam, who was rich and powerful enough to thrive off the exploitation of his own people. However, what this embargo did accomplish was to kill several million Iraqi civilians (the number has never been officially documented, however it is definately in the millions) through starvation and disease. I'm sure that as an American you would know that preventing terrorists from gaining new members is a main goal of this country correct? Well, how do you think you would react to an American presence in your country after watching several million citizens of Iraq die due to an embargo placed on Iraq by the United States? Do you think that you might want to see the President of the United States burned at the stake? Do you think you might hate the American public for allowing such monstrosities to take place in your country? Maybe you'd find people who have the same views as you do and start planning things... My point is this: If you have a problem with Saddam you have to look at the whole picture. I'm not going to say that saddam is a good guy because he isn't. However, our country and it's leaders watched what he was doing for a LONG time and not only let it happen, actively supported it and facilitated his atrocities to the fullest extent that we could. If Sadam deserves to be burned then so do Raegan, Bush Sr, Clinton, and now Bush Jr, whose attrocites are by compairison to Saddam and the previous presidents utterly monsterous. I would also like to say this: before someone says that I hate America (that's become so cliche these days..) I would like to say this: I don't hate America, I love what this country stands for and I believe that we can achieve it. However, what I do hate is that our country seems to be filled with people who don't know, or worst of all, don't care that we are doing these horrible things abroad and at home in some cases. I'm fighting FOR us, not against us when I call the govenrment and our citizens for acting wrongly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icefiddell Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 I'm not American i'm British and firstly i thought the war was a good thing just for the wrong reasons. And secondly i believe the Iraquie (sp?) will deal with Saddam how they see fit, true i think he should be put to death, it may even stop alot of the violence in Iraq at the moment but then again it may not. Last thing, i have nothing against America but in some cases i believe that many of the American public need to open their eyes and look around, try getting your news from somewhere else then CNN for a change or what ever. One American i met, i was talking to him about History and we got talking about the Indian Wars, and he began to get really emotional about it calling them savages barbarians, murderers and so forth and then i mentioned Battle of Little Big Horn and he said 'The What?' then i told him what happened and he wouldn't believe me. Then also WW2 he wouldn,t believe me that we were fighting for numerous years alone before America came into the war. I'm not saying this for all Americans by far but what i'm trying to get is that dont believe all the patriotic babble that seems to flood your media and see what other sources say. Sorry if none of you can understand what i'm trying to say, i was never really any good at english, cant seem to structure my arguments very well lol :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mojlnir Posted July 2, 2004 Share Posted July 2, 2004 Not good at English? You guys had the language before we did (though you spell certain words wrong ;) ) and...no, wait...AMERICA invented English just like we invented ever other cool and important idea or thing in the world!! We rule and on top of that, we are always right!!! I just placed my 32nd "I love America" bumper sticker on my SUV, right next to my NRA sticker, my "Right to Life" sticker, my metallic fish symbol, the "My boss was a Jewish carpenter" sticker and the "Bush/Chenney 2004" sticker. :sick: Actually, our foreign policy generally sucks on pretty much every level. That's not to say that other countries don't as well, just that we tend (like usual) to do it bigger and better than most. American's have (very strangely) managed to associate Saddam with the worst kind of evil imaginable. Having, for the most part, forgotten that this "evil dictator" very seldom made the news from the mid-1990's until September 11th, because he was CONTAINED!! He had few if any weapons of any sort, least of all C/B weapons, and he sure as hell wasn't able to launch a devastating C/B attack against the US proper. No fly zones were actively enforced in both northern and souther Iraq, UN inspectors had made significant progress, Saddam was doing a fine job of supressing radical religious elements and was not going anywhere!! He wasn't a threat to us, nor was he a threat to any of his neighbors. His internal measures were those alone, INTERNAL. Invasion (illegal or not...it doesn't matter anymore because its done and nothing will change it) has created a power vacuum in Iraq that will have extremely unpleasant and long-lasting repercussions for Iraq and the Middle East. By removing a strongman dictator we have opened the door to radical elements (both religious and political) which were suppressed and of little threat before. I equate this situation to the opening of the mythical Pandora's Box. As for Saddam himself, the Iraqi's have legal custody (but not physical) of him now and should be completely free to deal with him as they wish. No member of the coalition has any right to dictate the outcome of the trial and must accept (unconditionally) its outcome. This is comparable to the flap currently between Chirac and Bush concerning the admittance of Turkey to the EU, which is absolutely none of the US's business, though El Presidente seems to think otherwise. The lesson is this: Don't stick your fingers in other people's windows...they'll probably get pinched. I for one am going to enjoy watching the spectacle that is enfolding as Saddam goes on trial. I think this is going to turn into another Milosevik (sp?) type deal, which will drag on without end. I look forward to watching both the right and the left pontificate and sparr over things they understand nothing about. At least I'll have something interesting to watch while I eat my dinner. -M Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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