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Weapon Repair Overhaul


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Something I have been thinking of, yet lack the skill or time to actually accomplish:


I could never see the sense in sacrificing an entire weapon just to fix 20% or less of another weapon, and this happening out in the field as well. What happens to all the other parts left over? Can't these machined components be of some use, some profit, to the player?


So I thought: Use a Workbench to break the weapons into components first (say 1 component for each 25% of weapon condition) and then use those components for repairs and crafting.


Component Types: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Assault, Sniper, Launcher, Machine Gun, Flamer, Laser, Plasma.

Some weapons could be multiple types when broken down (eg. Sniper Rifle: 2 Rifle 2 Sniper, Scoped Magnum: 3 Pistol 1 Sniper)


It's essentially a type of cross-repair mod - no need to repair Weapon X with Weapons X Y Z and B13 - just repair with WeaponX and WeaponX's type of Components. I'm using cross-repair v1.2 myself and it's great - but the idea of repairing a plasma rifle with scrap metal during a firefight is a little out there.


I have no idea how scripting works, but would this make cross-repair easier? You don't need to modify the repair-lists for each new released or existing weapon, just add the weapon name to this mod and identify it with a component-type ID, which would be called using the 'Dismantle Weapon' or 'Repair Weapon' script via the Workbench.

  • Dismantle Weapon-A
  • Weapon-A happens to be Type-B according to this mod
  • Get the condition of Weapon-A, give message "dismantling this weapon will yield X number of Type-B components" continue/cancel
  • Give the player the appropriate number of Component Type-B
  • Remove Weapon-A from players inventory
  • -End Function

-- and --

  • Repair Weapon-A
  • Weapon-A happens to be Type-C according to this mod
  • Display inventory of Component Type-C available to the player
  • Player clicks on 1 Component Type-C in the list
  • Remove 1 Component Type-C from player's inventory and Repair Weapon-A by 20%
  • -End Function

I personally dislike the role-play disrupting concept of fixing things in the field (especially during combat), so perhaps disable the repair ability and give the player a field-repair kit (like a carryable mini-workbench) that can be used (activated from inventory) in the field - this would let you use the same repair-workbench script that could be applied to the Megaton/Tenpenny workbenches while out in the wasteland but would not be able to activate during combat.


A crafting idea I was working on is based on adding these components so that together they would make a logical basis for a new weapon.


  • 3 Rifle Components + 1 Assault Component = Wasteland version of the M14 Carbine: not an automatic but better than Hunting Rifle
  • 2 Rifle Components + 1 Shotgun Component + 1 Launcher Component = Homemade M79 Grenade launcher
  • 2 Assault Compoents + 2 Machine Gun Components = Wasteland M249 SAW: not a mini-gun but no pipsqueak Assault Rifle either.
  • 3 Pistol Components + 1 Flamer Component = Wasteland Mini-Flamer: Great against low-level critters
  • 3 Rifle Components + 1 Sniper Component = Scoped Hunting Rifle
  • 2 Rifle Components + 1 Assault Component + 1 Plasma Component = Turbo Plasma Rifle
  • 2 Rifle Components + 1 Sniper Component + 1 Laser Component = Laser Sniper Rifle

With 1 Components for 20% Repair and 1 per 25% Condition it would yield a maximum of 4 when dismantling but require 5 to fully repair something, which sounds about right - some parts might not be salvageable or break after all.


I suppose you could also dismantle mines, grenades and ammo using the same principle - and then recast / construct your own mines, grenades and ammo from schematics.


Like it? - Hate it? - Ideas? - Opinions? - Rabid Mole Rats?

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I like your idea, but I'm not a modder. I'd go deeper, like you dismantle a pistol and instead of getting one "pistol component" for it, you get a handle, a barrel and so on (+ a silencer if it was a silenced pistol which might be attached to any 10 mm weapon), for the plasma rifle a handle, a barrel and a plasma container, get my drift?


I like your idea of forging better weapons with components, maybe one needs a schematic which could be obtained by "the gun runners", another mod idea, maybe one could fuse them together.

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I like the idea, never did like the vanilla "Itz must beh teh same ting!!omgrofl" (bad spelling to convey my felings on the issue) I mean surley this gun and that gun are similar enough to share some components. I know theres mods out there that broadly smear the repair range, but I feel they havent got the idea quite right (the .32 revolver repairs the hunting rifle? how does that make sense!?)


This could work if you go into deep detail (just as domanz suggests), such as 10mm short barrel, 10mm long barrel, you could use the long barrel to fix a chinese pistol (if you saw it short), but not a short 10mm barrel to fix a SMG


I beleve this mod is possible to make, the smokeable cigerettes mod proves you can dismantle items into other items, but I doub't it would be easy work (or at least it wont be quick work!). So here's hoping a more talented modder than I picks up on this idea :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the feedback, it's something I've been thinking of for a while but was wondering how others would see it.


I can see how breaking the weapons down into more detailed components would be more realistic but for each weapon you would end up with 4 or 5 different components - say: frame, trigger, action/reciever, barrel, magazine - which would increase the scripting load x5 for disassembling a weapon and how would you tell which part was damaged when repairing an item - fixing a gun with 4 new barrels wouldn't work too well o_O - also when breaking a weapon down, how would you determine what parts you get if the weapon is less than 100%, I suppose making that part random could work.


I was visualizing each component item to actually be a small mixed package of parts - say the trigger in this one, barrel in the next, etc. when the weapon was broken down - just something the player would role-play. When repairing, the player uses up a component - so maybe he picked the trigger component or the magazine component, either way it was still a pistol component which makes the inventory & scripting easier and less cluttered.


But for crafting it would be great - you could add a Repeating Rifle action to a shotgun recipe = lever action/pump action shotgun - or add a sniper barrel and magazine and a .44 magnum action to a rifle recipe to make something like a wasteland Elephant gun :D


The whole crafting method needs to be reworked or improved IMO, it'd be great if you could experiment with different arrangements of parts and maybe end up with a whole new weapon - this was sort of implemented in NWN2, you could add different essences/items to a crafting recipe and the results would change, there were no schematics the recipes were totally hidden for the most part - of course that game did have something like 150 different recipes compared to FO3s.... 7 :dry:


It couldn't have been that hard for them to DIRECTLY IMPORT the Oblivion Alchemy system - four boxes, use Repair & Science instead of Alchemy skill, drop an item in each box & see what you get when you hit Construct/Build - Think of the various effective types of Molotov Cocktails & Grenades you could have made: Turpentine + Abraxo = Naptha lv1 , Flamer Fuel + Abraxo = Naptha lv2 ....oh well.

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