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Reluctant Steward map marker glitch


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I'm having a problem with the 'Reluctant Steward' quest from Master Neloth. I get the quest and talk to the alchemist with no problems, but then the map marker I get points me right off the map. I've tried reloading several times and still get the same issue. Googling brought me to this thread:


and I tried the solution but all I got was error messages saying the command wasn't found. I'll reload to an older save to avoid this problem, but can anyone suggest a solution? I want to get to the black book in Neloth's tower. :confused:

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I'm having the same problem on my PC. I've tried stetstage DLC2TT1 200 and while it advances the quest, find varnia is still unfullfilled on the quest and the people i need to talk to to advance th quest further wont talk about it. I can just setstage it to done, but i would rather play the game.

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