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Little Lamplight Caven door doesn't work at all


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Hey I need help, I was just getting into fallout 3 story and I rescued those kids from paradise falls and now I can't get into Little Lamplight caverns the door entrance just seems to do nothing when I press E on it and the kids that I saved are just standing outside the door doing nothing.


I turn off all mods and plugins (including all normal DLC) and still have the same problem.


can anyone help at all?

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there are two door entries found in the geck for that door.


LLEntryDoor (0007251f)<--this has two points listed that can be altered by incorrect data from a mod or the use of a tool, missing data.



LLExitDoor (0007251c)<--This has also two points listed and is an interior door, both use the same teleport markers.


you need to post what the Object ID you are getting there to Identify what was done to the game, while not having the mods loaded.


coc / console command gbo and note the data and the mouse click of the door.


post that so I can see what markers have been effected and instruct you how to fix it.


data has been stored as "removed" from the game in your current play through in some way.



Edited by Purr4me
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awesomelad777 - Hello!


I think this can sometimes happen even with just the vanilla game.


Been a while since I did the quest (& I had no trouble getting in) but I think you have to speak to

Mayor MacCready rather than opening the gate yourself.


There are a few bugs listed with Mayor MacCready opening the gate along with the work arounds here:




It's listed under "Bugs".


There's some console command fixes there that may help.


There's also a walkthrough for the quest here:




Hope this helps!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried that link and It wouldn't start the download and the problem I have is this door. when ever I press E on it, it just makes a noise and does absolutely nothing no loading screen or anything just lets me carryon in wasteland -.- even the people I rescued cant access it

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and also I get this error message and a lot of other error messages similar to this messages when trying to access the lamplight caverns interior, could this be the cause and will I have to reinstall fallout 3 to fix?


my pc specs are


- 4gb ram

- 512mb ATI Radeon 4200 Graphics card (not 256mb model)

- AMD Athlon™ II Dual-Core processor M320 (2.1GHz, 1024kb L2 cache)

if its anything to do with my specs let me know please

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ok, you type this in console coc LL and then hit enter. something stuck in your saved game file, some act you did out of sequence is causing the outside door from not working, I also noted, you are WAaaaaaaaaaay before your supposed to even have the xp requirements to even go to vault 87, that alone will lock you out. But, that command plants your ass right inside the caverns with the inside gate a;ready open, but you need to still talk to macreedy and pass the voice challenge to get the scripts to fire right.


I completed the voice challenge and then left, once out side, the door was again non operational. so, your only at level 5 or 7 something. Not enough for the quest and you can not go into the vault 87 with out radaway, because if you do, when you go to leave, you will die when the enclave capture you and the game WILL crash right there. because you died, the game strips your hide bare.

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Follow up on ( awesomelad777) issue based on his saved game, private tutoring through the sequence of events to show how to unlock the door.


There is no mods or game faults here to display, it's a built in function of the game that was at play.


level 9.5 and XP way too low. not enough caps on player or earned items stored in player inventory, this includes gathered quest stages as well. data calculations will prevent the player from entering some places in the game. It's called "Achievements". Any game is made this way.


saved game has player near death on approach, severly wounded, rad sickness and has just completed the hostage rescue of the kid's from paradise falls.


the data has no visual of the kids at my receipt of it. they as the user explained also had issues with the door. But, on reload, they are already inside. The command places the player at this stage deep inside the LL caverns past the triggers.


the triggers are not sequentcial internaly in there so, we can trip them only if you reverse travel. DO NOT continue the quest stages from this point ever, you will break the game badly. you work your way backwards and complete the stages and exit the vault / caves.


when out side you will notice the door still does not operate ,But what you don't know is the stage is now set / reset so, all you need to do is qualify for it to open.


fast travel to megaton town, go see the doctor. But prior to entering the doc's house, you must have the caps for payment.


this deals with doors, all doors in the game, the achievements are reset and counting cell changes and doors. doors are triggers.


The megaton house is zone 01 it's is a cancellation cell. if you enter it before seeing the doctor? you destroy the reset.


caps : tidle console player.additem 0000000f 25000 and hit enter. you can discard the caps anywhere if your a lore type but this is a fix and not a cheat. you need to change the players condition and set the players house /reset it so it's also on a different level too. then all things are in line. at doc's house, you get all healed up, buy him out, all supplies, make sure you have that rad-away in your inventory. leave,. go to crater supply and talk to moira brown to purchase a theme for the house. pick the science theme. it has XP calcs associated with it. this further up's you internal XP so the came is counting this. once done buy a standard armor from here worn and normal, merchant or mercenary, some thing other than power armor, XP related issue, NO Bos completed, NO training so don't trip the Not qualified script. buy normal armor.


leave, dawn the armor. DO NOT go to the players house. fast travel to littleLamplite and try the door. wait a few minutes walk around a bit but no activity or interreaction with any thing. your waiting for the game to finish it's calculations and the marker you just activated.


after 4 minutes try the door again. if nothing occurs? hard save right there. exit the game out. relaunche the game and now the door should open for you to contineue this quest stage. you pick up right where you left off with the mayor. do as you want in here as it's now been reset. IF you notice you cannot draw your weapons? then it's not reset yet...that has to do with what you did in the wasteland prior to getting to this point. but, you should be ok.


On the after formentioned diagnostic hands on one on one with the user, I was informed it worked. Hissaved game contains yet another flaw, Zeta intro is messed up. it stops cold at "playerdiable" and the rads continue, the *.bik file "movie" does not occur.


I have the amse issue with his saved game but not my saved game files. the codes comes from the fact, the GFWL has the dlc's located in It's catch and that data is stored in his saved game. So, we have a DRM issue stuck in the saved game file.


prior to running this users saved game I had laready used this item. (Games for Windows LIVE Disabler) andmade sure there were no DLC caught in it. reset archive invalidate and the fake live dll before running his game.


on loading and continuing to find out the zeta issue. I hard saved stuck getting radiated to death and exited the game.


I ran "Games for Windows LIVE Disabler" and sureas can be, they were moved to that folder by the codes stored in his saved game. I moved them bcak and ran thegame again. still NO zeta. exit. and the dlc's are back in GFWL fold once more.


best case here is to do something else and complete the other DLCs til I can find a way to break the codes and not damage the saved game.


I downloaded the complete new saved game a user posted to use as a tool to verify data other than DLC's bsa's and lose files causing problems. all vanilla.


No stone unturned here. and No cheating. the cause was user error and DRM related. no mods are involved.



hope this helps the crowds out there.



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