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Morag Tong Armor in Dragonborn DLC


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Second one is actually great, as you can see it from both sides.


I know nobody wants as shiny textures as that, but the shapes can be seen well.



Did you guys check the site where the second picture is from?

There's some great shots of the armors.

Why not to ask if the author is willing to either port them into skyrim himself, or let someone do it?

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That's what I was thinking. That second picture looks like the modeling is essentially done, it just needs some proper updated texturing.

How would one go about contacting the author?


Anyway, it's been a long time since that model was created for Oblivion, so there's a chance the author isn't even around in the modding community anymore. Realistically, someone will have to start from scratch. So here's a shout out to any modellers: please, someone make a better Morag Tong armor set!

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  • 2 years later...

Frankly I'd much rather just work with the morag tong armor from morrowind. Just edit the mesh pieces so that fit in with skyrims armor system and then texture them and hand them off to someone else. I'd just like to see the armor from morrowind in Skyrim with a better mesh and texture.

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