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Dragonborn DLC Black Book Bug


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So, after an hour of searching the interwebz, I have yet to find a solution to my particular predicament...

After hacking my way through the temple with this Frea lady, I found the first Blackbook. After reading it, it quickly closes on it's own and lock my character in place, thus starting the 'cinematic' part. After Miraak zaps me and is done blabbing on about his evil plan, he trods off towards the dragon and asks his two Ctuthulu wannabe's to send me back to Tamriel.


Well, here comes the bug part. They don't. They simply stand there and blast me with shockwaves, but nothing happens. Miraak just stands there idly, too. and after what seems like an eternity, the two spawns just stand there, giving up trying to blast me out of oblivion. and thus the game is stuck. my character cannot move, and the only menu I can open is the Esc menu. I can revert to a previous save, but it keeps getting stuck at the same place. Is there a fix for this?


Thanks in Advance.



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Would anyone know if the set quest stage command would work in this siutuation? and if so, how do I look up the correct id's?


Also, I can confirm the CoC command issue. teleported away, but unable to move.

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i have this problem aswell, tried to disable/enable miraak, tried coc command to random place then use tcl command, didn't work, tried use tcl during cut-scene and that didn't work either. i'm all out of ideas, glad to know i'm not the only one having this problem.



EDIT: i managed to fix the problem for me. this is what i did, before i clicked the black book, i opened the console and wrote: setstage DLC2MQ02 50 .This command skips the cutscene stage of the quest and takes you right to the part where you have to talk to Freia. NOTE: if your screen turns black after you've talked to Freia just open console and coc command to random place (i used coc riverwood). then after you've done that just move back to the Skaal village where your next objective is.


remember to save before you attempt this!!!!!

Edited by birkemann
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This did not work for me. the command does not give any errors, but it does not do anything either. =( well, I'm glad it worked for you.




The second time I tried, it took a while and I was about to leave the ruins to come back at a later time when a fix was found, when Frea initiated a conversation. So It did work, it just took some time for the command to 'kick start'. Thank you for the fix Birkemann!

Edited by ertylert
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If you have god mode on, make sure to turn it off. The seeker effect is not scripted, the two seekers just blast you with regular attacks until your health drains to zero and you automatically get sent back to the temple. With god mode on, their attacks do no damage, so you don't go back to Tamriel.

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