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How Do i.....


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To start, open up your creature in the CS and click "AI". At the top are AI Attributes: Aggression, Confidence, Energy, and Responsibility. Aggression determines the disposition needed for the creature to attack someone. A creature with an Aggression of less than 15 will never initiate combat, and an Aggression of 0 will stop them even fighting back, so change it to 0 and the creature will never fight unless scripted to do so. Below that and the various togglable flags is the AI Package List. AI Packages determine how an Actor goes about its day. Most creatures only have two basic "Wander around" packages; one for interiors and one for exteriors. To start, delete those.


As is currently, the creature will never do anything unless scripted to. This can cause a minor problem, though. If you knock the creature back, they won't move back to their old position. To deal with this, we'll have to give it a different package that tells it to stay exactly where you placed it in the CS. Click on Character/Packages to open up a list of AI Packages the game has. We need something pretty basic, so making a new one won't be necessary. Find "aaaDefaultStayAtEditorLocation" on the list, position the windows so you can see both your creature's AI Package List and the grand list at the same time, and click and drag aaaDefaultStayAtEditorLocation from the full list to the creature's. Now, if it gets moved somewhere, it will walk back to where it started.

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