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Issues with Learning to Program Plugin's


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Ok, I've dedicated WAY too much time into looking into how I can fix this via the internet.

I first looked through the mods section here to see if anyone had this mod, but alas I can't find it.

(Closest I found was indefinite woodcutting, which I liked and installed with no problems.)

Creation Kit hasn't helped, in fact it's the reason why I'm confused.

Google has just led me repeatedly in circles that lead to nothing relevant.

I'm now on the last string, if I can't get it right by posting my problem here, I'm calling it quits on the whole idea.


--------- Whinging Over ----------------------


I had this really simple idea that the sale price of selling chopped wood to non-merchant NPC's was not high enough.

(Meaning I wanted to increase how much NPC's like Hod would pay me for bringing him wood.)

I found out that my problem had a rather simple fix. If I typed "Set JobsWoodValue to X" into the console, it would adjust the value.

Until I rebooted the game and the global value reverted.


Now this is where I started looking for a mod that had this line of code set up so that it would automatically load when the game started up.

No results relevant to want I'm looking for.

Checking time and time again through different key words, nothing.


So I decided I should just make it myself.

Looked into how I could do this, I'm looking to make an .esp file.

Downloaded CK, made the blank .esp file as the tutorial showed, it worked, I now have a blank .esp waiting.

I searched through the rest of the tutorials for anything that would help me put in the coding needed to input the command, found NOTHING.


I've been learning Python for 8 months, and I understand what the Papyrus code is saying, so I'm pretty sure I'm not retarded.

I really need someone who knows what I'm looking for and how to do it, to point me in the right direction.

(I already know how to make and load .bat files, I'm looking to make a file I don't have to manually load every time.)


Thanks for reading my strained exhaustive explanation.

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Try this:


1) In the CK, look under 'Global' for 'JobsWoodValue'


2) Double click and open it, change the value from 5 to whatever you want to be paid for slaying trees.


3) Save new plugin, name it 'I am a Lumberjack and I am OK.esp'

Edited by ripple
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