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How to remove the numbers in the nomenclature of the saved games?


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It’s annoying the default numbering which the game adds automatically the saves and more annoying is that it counts again even if you are overwriting one. I ends up with the wired #508 saved game name when I only has 32 physically files!


I managed to sort saved games only by editing the name of quicksaves, but maybe exists a mod who manage savegame names in a better way or a method to edit their real name.

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VikingII - Hello!


I don't know about a renumbering saves mod but CASM:




Allows you to have control over when autosaves are made & a few other options.


It also allows up to three seperate profiles for different characters to avoid their saves getting mixed up.


Some of it's functions require FOSE.


Not sure if that's of use to you or not. :)



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Thanks for the advice, I already knew this mod and its only automates the autosaving process and brings options to manage save games, but in this situation its makes things worse since it performs automatic saves while maintaining the numeration system.


What I need is a way to remove the number prefix in save games, or to maintain its prefix when I overwrite a save game, so that if I have 32 files, I will have save game number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... to 32, instead 1, 16, 24, 46, 52… to 508!


I know that it is only an aesthetic issue, but am I the only one who this bothers?

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