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Far Cry

darker nights, less skilled jason at beginning, holster idea


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Most any issues i've had with FC3 have been covered by modders already. With the following 3 exceptions. Granted I dunno if there is any demand for this in the community, but whatever, couldn't hurt to throw this idea out there.


1. Getting nights darker, a lot darker. Stalker call of pripyat dark. As in, if there is no moon out, or lights around, all you mostly see is stars, everything else is mostly black silhouettes. But also allowing the player to sleep in safehouses if they don't feeling like wandering around in the dark.


2. This one is more interesting to me though, making Jason far less skilled early on. I mean tattoos or no tattoos, it doesn't make much sense for a 20 something trust-fund baby to go running machetes through people, know how to instantly sight a rifle, quickly reload a weapon he's never used before, or go around hunting endangered species like it's going out of style right at the very beginning within half an hour of practically crapping his underoos. And at the same time, it doesn't make sense for jason to still be going "eww" while slicing open his 200th tiger or repeatedly dislocating his thumb after he's slid down his 1000th slope.


I'd love to see the earlier parts of the game feel much more desperate and force me to play smarter and more creatively. I mean Just imagine how differently the game would play if jason's machete did crap damage early on until he skilled up cause he starts off using it sloppy (it is very easy to use a machete wrong if you don't aim it right or don't put your wrist into it). Or if you had to take a skill in each weapon class just to not take painfully long reloads (how does jason know how to expertly reload all these guns?). Or if simply aiming properly and not being screwed over by sway and recoil were things you had to steadily skill up to avoid. (contrary to FPS games it takes practice to line up guns properly and keep em steady, I imagine more so when being shot at) Or if jason didn't absorb bullets like some kind of bullet sponge, and shrug em off so easily.


In my head i kind of imagine the beginning parts of the game should involve a lot of desperate and sloppy pistol/machete work and running away from lots of stuff before slowly transitioning into a semi-professional killer later in the game. Guns being harder to get, with a bigger barrier to entry.



3. Additionally, holster, lootbag, and wallets, or the craft recipes for them could be something you have to find or unlock through exploration or story progression rather than simply knowing from the onset. So that there's less incentive to go around killing every animal you see like some kinda weirdo psychopath. Like maybe you get holster "ingredients" by killing certain kinds of pirates, killing specific characters, or winning certain races. The hunting missions could instead unlock skills or something else.

Edited by Flyingdebris
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