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Follower taunts suddenly broken


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For some reason over the past day, my followers lost the ability to use their taunt lines during combat. Now they will only use dialogue for wounded/attacking grunts. It's really strange because all their other dialogue still works, including detection lines that play at the beginning and end of combat. I thought Dragonborn.esm might have messed something with Ultimate Follower Overhaul (v1.2i) up, but loaded an older save withe dragonborn.esm still activated and my followers were using their taunt dialogue.


The fact that I can load an older save with all the same mods and Dragonborn activated leads me to believe I glitched out a script or something that disabled all taunt dialogue. The only really major thing I can think of doing was taking over Windhelm. It didn't let my followers follow me into the city so I manually summoned them in using the moveto player command. Is there some aspect of that quest that disables default combat taunts and doesn't re-enable it for followers at the end since it doesn't anticipate them being there?


Basically, I want to know if anyone knows a global or setting that controls this that I could potentially reset to get taunts back for my followers. I really don't want to have to load an older save and start from there, I've gotten pretty far into the new DLC and I'd have to replay all of it plus more.

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