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how to make sunset sasparilla crates grabbable again


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Hello folks,


I had a conflicts with a lot of mods that I was running and my game was crashing a lot. I downloaded that fallout 3 new vegas edit to fix the problem. I had it load all the mods and check for conflicts automatically. I then created a merged mod. It resolved a lot of the conflicts and the game is running way more smoothly than before with much less crashes.


Only problem that I'm having right now is that sunset sarsaparilla crates cannot be moved. I first noticed it in goodsprings because I take the crates near the ammo and crafting desks and drag those crates over to them to put my stuff in by categories (one crate for weapons. another for crafts. another for aids, etc.) I can't grab and drag any of them now.


The best way to resolve this was to use the geck and edit the properties to make it a movable static again. I'm not sure if I edit newevegas.esp or if I edit the merged mod. Two day trying to figure out how to do that with no luck.


So maybe an easier way would be to spawn some new crates. next to the unmovable ones but wont' be able to be moved either. At least I don't think so. The ID of the crate with the tilde key is "crate" (yes, great description). Plus if I spawned more object I'm not sure if that would cause save game corruption.


Other idea would be to disable mymergedmod.esp file, move the crates to where I want them and then re-enable the mod. But that might cause save game corruption after the mod got re-enabled. I figure it would work since the crates could be moved before I did the merged mod. But I was getting crashing left and right with the mod conflicts so if I disable the merged mod move the crates and then re-enable it then maybe it save corrupted data.


I'm at a loss on what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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You can't edit NewVegas.esp, so you'd have to edit the merged patch. In the GECK you will find World Objects --> Moveable Static. Any objects in the Moveable Static directory should be moveable, as far as I am aware there is no properties setting to toggle an object moveable / immovable.


Movable Static should include SSCartonSmall and SSCrateTall, which are the two types of Sunset Sarsaparilla crate. If these are not found under Moveable Static in the merged patch, that's most likely the problem. Not sure what the fix would be though, you'd have to investigate why and where the alteration happened.

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