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Far Cry

Quest system and check points ??


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As I've played more FC3 I realized that the game's biggest problem is that it isn't exactly "free roaming".

The way you get quests is broken. There is no journal,and you might already have a mission and talk to a random dude in the street and he will give you another mission without being able to say "no" and then you are forced to do the newest mission this guy gave you in order to be able and play the mission you had earlier on! That really makes the game boring for me,because it forces me to do things I don't want to do.

Another thing is that the Check Points are broken! Yep you read that right. An open world should let you save anywhere,checkpoints are simply not for such kind of games,and it isn't only that,but quite often after I die somewhere the game then spawns me in an area occupied by enemies and they are all over me and they kill me in seconds because the game is so stupid that after I die it remembers the places I've been through,but not that I cleared them from enemies,so it spawns me right in the middle between 10+ enemies and they all start shooting at me and kill me.


Can these things be fixed ? Please. I don't want to stop playing this game without ever finishing it,and it would be a shame because if there weren't these stupid things it would be a quite enjoyable game.

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