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Mod recommendations


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I'm about 120 hours into the game, I've finished both DLC's, I have every perk I could ever want, chests full of items worth probably millions and gold has lost all its value. The problem I'm facing, is that I still have locations left unexplored, but just finding them and clearing them alone, isn't enough motivation. Used to be fun when you knew you'd advance in levels, and gain gold for stuff you need, or maybe run into some unique items(Dragon Priest masks for example).


No big deal though, all singleplayer games have an end I guess, but I'm wondering if any mods exist, that deal with this particular issue?


Edit: Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section(was pretty sure I clicked ''Skyrim Mod Talk'').

Edited by Sayrir
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Have you considered making a new character with a completely different playstyle and focus on everything you didn't do in the first playthrough, make all the different choices etc. I think this will give you far more new gaming hours than any mod can.


Don't worry, you don't have to delete your old character for this, so if you try it, but don't like it, you can always come back to the idea of just enhancing your first character with mods. One mod that comes to mind is the level uncapper that allowes you to continue leveling your skills past level 100. I have never tried this mod though so I can't give you a review on it, but it might be worth checking out: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1175

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