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Fallout 3 for the Faithful

Dylath Leen

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Anyone know of any plans for some kind of collaborative effort to make Fallout 3 actually like a true Fallout sequel instead of the post apocalyptic Oblivion we got? Bethseda just seems to have totally missed the mark... again.



NB: while I do not think it deserves the title of Fallout 3, I still like the game, much in the same way that I like Far Cry 2 but it can't claimed to be anything to do with Far Cry in anything but name.

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I agree with OP here. Some people try to recreate orginal fallout feel at 'no mutants allowed' forum. In F3 mods there are several attempts.


Dylbot - you are rude. please, stop.

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I'm with Dylbot - list the concrete things a mod should achieve to make it a "true sequel," otherwise this is just empty whining. A post that said, "Are there any plans to develop a mod which does the following five things, which I think would make it a truer sequel" would deserve a substantive reply. This one did not.
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They dont say 'vulk' all the time..



they say 'WHERE?'




its the anto-censor bleeping a word that begins with an 'F' and ends with 'K'.


I'm with Dylbot - list the concrete things a mod should achieve to make it a "true sequel," otherwise this is just empty whining. A post that said, "Are there any plans to develop a mod which does the following five things, which I think would make it a truer sequel" would deserve a substantive reply. This one did not.


Game word that makes no sense, weak RP mechanics, hollow and pathetic dialogue, two dimensional plot choices, epiclly bad central plot, rampant inconsistency with the previous games of the series, I could go on for hours.

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