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Dragonborn-DLC Dragon Riding Glitch


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  • 4 months later...

I can't even get to this problem...my bend will shout doesn't appear to have any effect on Sahrotaar at all....there have been a few occasions where after about the fourth time I used it he just stopped and sat there. There were no options to mount him and he doesn't respond to attempts to initiate dialogue. But even getting to that point is difficult and takes forever because every time he hits you with his frost breath you lose all progress towards being able to shout again. This is getting really disappointing as I've played through the entire game twice now to get this point and it keeps happening...I don't even use any of the afforementioned mods either, with the exception of the unofficial dragonborn patch which I just now installed in an attempt to fix it...

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Could anyone walk me through how to get rid of skeleton.nif?


I do not have a dragon folder in my data>meshes>actor folder. The only place I can find skeleton.nif is in the dragonborn.bsa using BSAopt. I cannot find a way to delete it though. Is this the one I am supposed to delete? and if so, how?

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  • 7 months later...

They changed the Dragon Skeleton for the DLC.. you have to go into your data files and then to .. I think the folder is Data/Meshes/actor/Dragon/charaterassets then delete the skeleton.nif file that way it reads it from the BSA again.

Iv tried this but now, no dragons appear at all, anyone help please?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
I tried all of your sugestions without getting it to work. Then at last I tried to open up tje console, pressing with the mouse on my character and typing TAI. It turned out that I didnt have my characters animations on. No wonder I couldnt ride the dragon. After that, after TAI, ecerything worked as a charm. Strange that no one here came with that advise straight away. It should be the first thing to check if you are having troubles with animation. :)
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  • 3 months later...

They changed the Dragon Skeleton for the DLC.. you have to go into your data files and then to .. I think the folder is Data/Meshes/actor/Dragon/charaterassets then delete the skeleton.nif file that way it reads it from the BSA again.


I tried that but Looking my my folder only to see that I HAVE no Characterassets folder in the Dragon folder.

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