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A Little Help findingthe Cemetery Mod


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Last week I came across an amazing mod that I was planning to use which overhauled the graveyards/tombstones of Skyrim. It looked spectacular and I had it open on my desktop until it crashed and forgot about it. Well, I'm wanting to download it now, but searching for graveyard or cemetery on nexus mods does not bring it up as a result, surprisingly!!!


I remember the mod had a really weird name, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was. Does such a mod sound familiar to anyone? If so, could you help me find it?

Edited by KazaiChan
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Last week I came across an amazing mod that I was planning to use which overhauled the graveyards/tombstones of Skyrim. It looked spectacular and I had it open on my desktop until it crashed and forgot about it. Well, I'm wanting to download it now, but searching for graveyard or cemetery on nexus mods does not bring it up as a result, surprisingly!!!


I remember the mod had a really weird name, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was. Does such a mod sound familiar to anyone? If so, could you help me find it?


I spent hours searching and finally found it! Sepolcri: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34105?tab=description

Edited by KazaiChan
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