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Battle Arena


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One of my favorite parts of Fallout 3 are the random events where you see different factions engaging in a battle out in the wastelands. Whether it is a band of Talon Company Mercs vs 2 Giant Radscorpians, or some Outcasts getting slaughtered by a Deathclaw.... I always wish I could dictate the fight to my liking.


The mod I'd love to see is a large circle arena where you can pit different foes against each other to see who comes out alive. Imagine seeing some of the following...


6 raiders vs 2 Deathclaws

3 Giant Radscorpians vs 5 Super Muntant Masters w/ miniguns

10 Mole rats vs 10 vicious dogs

20 Rivet City Guards vs 10 Yao Guai


The list could go on and on, but what I'm imagining is the ability to set the foes and their numbers and then just begin the fight and watch it unveil. Possibly creating a more advanced system where bets could be wagered on the outcome.


I know this doesn't fit into any of the lore and some will think it as a waste of time, but if someone thinks it's a fun idea and wants to run with it, I'd love to give any help with the idea.

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I love this idea. Even compete yourself. Would be fun. Even make a guy who hosts it, if you can beat him in a battle, you own the arena and then you can stage your own matches. Aside from that, give him a fancy suit and a extremely powerful gun(single shot laser rifle sort of weapon that can 1 shot a super mutant behemoth?!). Hehe, I see much potential in this mod.
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