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Ok so every time I use the arrow icon in the west OR the ship i go into a infinite loading screen which crashes after approximately 5-15 minutes or i terminate the game on task

manager. Any location is Solstheim works though. Now i'm asking if anyone had the same problem and/or know how to fix it, i had all the animations not working but through the use of threads i have resolved that issue. I have A LONG LONG LONG list of mods (over 145+) so i really don't wanna attempt systematically seeing if a single mod is affecting this one by one down my list of mods. Thank you for any help you can give me and I use BOSS to order my mods by the way.

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first problem is going over the stable 60 mod limit, beyond 60 mods its a gamble.


second try a console commnd coc whiterun and see if you can travel back to skyrim that way.


double check the console commands, be sure to use the correct one.


if none of that works then go thru your modlist and find the problem there, its a pain, but its character building.

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i seem to have luck fixing this by disableing eze map mod and more dragons and moar minions and better dragon loot mods. you can narrow further if you would like. i have all disabled now and the game is functionalling normally. I will add each back as need to narrow it down further. hope this helps.
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It seems like the Interesting NPC's mod (V 2.25Beta) was the culprit for me being stuck on solstheim. Did you happen to have that mod installed as well, hom3rdud (or anybody else having this problem)?


Edit: Seems I was wrong. But I am able to consistently get back to Skyrim with no mods active, so It has to be something I have installed. Just gotta find it...


Edit2: Ok.... After some time of messing with my active mods, I can pretty much say it is definitely "Apocalypse Spell Package - Apocalypse v304" that was preventing me from leaving solstheim. I've consistently gotten crashes at the loading screen with this mod active, as well as consistently being able to get back to Skyrim when it alone is disabled.

Edited by theabyss
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first problem is going over the stable 60 mod limit, beyond 60 mods its a gamble.


second try a console commnd coc whiterun and see if you can travel back to skyrim that way.


double check the console commands, be sure to use the correct one.


if none of that works then go thru your modlist and find the problem there, its a pain, but its character building.


Thank you, but i decided it was time to start fresh and have disabled all mods and am now sorting through the ones i personally think are necessarily. coc whiterun seemed to work in get me off that damed island though!!

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It seems like the Interesting NPC's mod (V 2.25Beta) was the culprit for me being stuck on solstheim. Did you happen to have that mod installed as well, hom3rdud (or anybody else having this problem)?


Edit: Seems I was wrong. But I am able to consistently get back to Skyrim with no mods active, so It has to be something I have installed. Just gotta find it...


Edit2: Ok.... After some time of messing with my active mods, I can pretty much say it is definitely "Apocalypse Spell Package - Apocalypse v304" that was preventing me from leaving solstheim. I've consistently gotten crashes at the loading screen with this mod active, as well as consistently being able to get back to Skyrim when it alone is disabled.



Oh really? I had that same mod installed! If only i had looked at this response before i disabled all mods and started fresh haha! But thanks a bunch though!

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