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No dragon meshes at all (Dragonborn DLC related)


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So I had gotten to the part in the Dragonborn dlc where you meet Miraak for the first time in one of the realms in Oblivion. He says some things, then he is supposed to go mount a dragon and fly away. But, he ended up just walking up to it and start glitching around the place. I thought it was a small bug, so I used console commands to progress in the story. Then here I am now, at the part where you have to mount a dragon for the first time. So I went up to it and pressed E, and my character just spazzed around and stood there. I tried again, reloaded an earlier save, and even removed some mods, but to no prevail. I just recently watched
to see if it would help. So I went to my actors folder in the mesh folder so I could get to the dragon meshes, only to realize there are non there. I was wonder if there was any way I could get them, through a download or through a mod. Thanks for your time. Edited by phoenix720p
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