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SkyRe and Dawnguard: are they compatible?


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Whatever happened to that guy who made Skyre??... Looks like the page has been taken down so I dunno how to contact him... There's loads of other Skyre-compatibility patches made by other people, but not the original. Anyway, my question is, I finally got Danwguard (should get it in a few days) but I got Skyre installed and I don't think they are compatible, are they?? Did anyone ever made a compatibility patch? I remember the guy saying he was gonna make one...


Sorry if a similar topic exists, I did look for "skyre dawnguard" and it did not come up with anything so.... yeah, can anyone help me please? I defo wanna play Dawnguard ( obviously... since I got it) but I'd rather not uninstall skyre, cuz i do like it.


Hope someone can offer some elucidations. Thanks a lot people!!

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