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Looking to overhaul loot/economy (I have too much stuff), considering making it myself


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The wasteland doesn't feel wasteland-y enough. I play with (original) JSawyer/Hardcore and I'm still swimming in resources. I have more healing powders than I'll ever use. For my current run, I'm using cowboy only weapons from the start. By Primm, I was drowning in .357. Food and water are never a problem. I always have more than enough stuff on me (even with the reduced carry weight of JSawyer), but even if I didn't, there's stuff everywhere. I never worry about running out. I already modded it so that vendors have next to no caps (it's far to easy to get rich as is). But it needs more.


I have checked out some economy rebalancing mods and loot reduction mods, but haven't really seen one that does what I want to do. I'm thinking the following could fix this.


1) Drop carry weight even further, to something around 25+5*ST. Adjust relevant perks/traits proportionally.

2) Give -everything- weight. Even with JSawyer, caps, some ammo components, drugs, and other items still don't have weight.

3) I'm mostly referring to campfire recipes here. Change the recipes so double or triple the ingredients are required. There's tons of plants everywhere.

4) Lower the casino limits. Maybe 500 at the Atomic Wrangler, 1000 at the Tops and Gomorrah, and 2000 at Ultra-Luxe

5) Give No-Bark (and perhaps others) fewer caps to play Caravan with. As is, you can hit him up for 1500 every few days.

6) Drastically cut down the loot lists. Much less stuff in containers. Maybe one or two different items and at a lower quantity. Find ammo maybe half as often, and perhaps half as much ammo when you do find it. Grenade and mine boxes have a (50%?) chance to just have junk. Few mines and grenades in boxes. Any and all items in first aid kits are "expired" and weak (and fewer items in the boxes as well).

7) No healing from foods or drinks. You want to heal, use medicine.

8) More shrewd vendors. This could be tricky. Have vendors buy items from you for less than what they would sell them for. So items have lower value for you to sell them, but still have a high value for purchase and repairs.


This is all I have so far. Did I miss anything?


Like I said, I don't think this mod exists. I haven't used the geck in a while, but figure it's like riding a bicycle, right? The thing I'm not sure about though is that in the past, I'd load a single master and make my mod. For something like this, I'd have to load the vanilla master, all the dlcs and extras (GRA, Courier's Stash, etc.) AND JSawyer's mod. Ideally, I'd like it to load the official content, then overwrite that with JSawyer's. This way, if I adjust something JSawyer adjusted, I'm adjusting that adjustment and not the vanilla (I hope that makes sense). Basically, I wan't the things from JSawyer that I don't touch to continue working as they do, and, if I am going to edit something, I'd like to use JSawyer's edits as the base, where applicable.


Did that make sense? And, if so, is it possible?


For the rest, I think I can do it if I:


1) Adjust a global setting and the relevant perks

2) Adjust all the items in the game (that will take forever, but it'll be worth it) so there is a weight value.

3) Would recipes be under formID? Where would I find them?

4) I'm not sure where to find this either. Additionally, I'd have to change the thresholds for when you get those winner rewards.

5) Would this be in Actor Data?

6) Much like #2, I assume I'd have to edit all the item lists.

7) more item edits

8) I have no idea actually. I can tweak item values when I edit items, but if I drop values how do I keep vendor/repair prices up?

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