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Need mod suggestion


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A few weeks after the GECK and this site is flooded with some great mods. What I'm asking is advice on what the best mod or series of mods are that will achieve these specific needs:


Removing the 20 level cap.

Increasing the amount of XP between levels by a marginal amount

Allowing the player to continue playing once the Main Questline is completed. (regardless of end game decision)


Is there one mod that does all that? Are there a few mods that when activated together, allow this? I'm betting there are a few for each, but I'm asking the community to recommend the best.


Thanks for any and all help....

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To continue after the main quest:




Removing the level 20 cap:




As for the leveing, there are a few mods out there, some are in overhauls and some just reduce the exp. It's hard to say what one is the best, however you should be able to search Level on FO3Nexus and come up with quite a few. Each one changes the level speed differently so that one is up to you.

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