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Hey all,


My idea is this.


Create a conjuration spell similar to the spell cast on the player character by the mage Brelyna

at the College of Winterhold

(Brelyna's Practice)

(the Spell ID in the Creation Kit is "MGAppBSpell02" and the Effect is "MGRAppBSpell02Effect")


But instead of turning into a random creature, my idea is to have it turn me into a flyable dragon from this mod

(Flyable Dragon Races 3)


And finally remove any unessential controls for the dragon (Only need controls specific for flying. No combat actions other than maybe ONE breathe attack) and then create a mesh for the dragon that places a duplicate of the players character on the dragons back.


My idea comes from World of Warcraft. When you mount something in that game it completely replaces your character with a mount that just happens to have your character on it's back. While mounted the player does not control the character (so no shooting bows from your dragon) but instead controls the mount. Doing it in this way allows for the PERCEPTION of your character controlling a tamed dragon. I would very much be willing to help in anyway I can with this mod. I am not very good with mesh editing or scripting, but I do know my way around the creation kit. If anyone is willing to work on this with me then by all means feel free to email me at pipedream420 at live.com.

Edited by antihero420
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